I'm currently working on the wing top skins, so I've got a ways to go before the wings are finished. However, I just finished the FlyLED Nav/Strobe kit and Quad spotlight kit. After pulling out the fiberglass wingtips to mark the position/strobe boards for trimming I wondered if now might be the better time to actually install the boards in the wingtips, or if I should wait until after they're installed on the wings (or at some other point). Anyone have any recommendations or best practices?
Doesn’t matter too much, but I’d be inclined to wait. Drilling all the wingtip mounting holes generates a lot of dust, some of which will end up on your leds. Also if you’re painting the tips yourself, it’s one less thing to mask.
Here's the other option ... do it now! Get the fitting and all the fiddly bits of springs and stuff done standing at your bench. Then tape them off an set aside for later. You'll thank yourself for having one more detail knocked out before the rush.

I suggest deferring until after the wing tips are fitted onto the wings. For that matter I recommend deferring the wingtip install until after the wings are on the plane (at least for the initial fit up), and the flaps and ailerons properly rigged (not just using tooling holes).

The wing tip trailing edge can be moved up or down when fitting it up. If you wait until the rigging is done you have a better chance of getting the tip trailing edge to line up.

Interesting responses so far, thank you!

Our The Original kit is pretty simple to install, however The Works kit is more fiddly in most cases, as there are springs and screws involved to mount the landing lights. You will find this much easier to do when the tips are out on the bench and you have access to both sides. For most models of plane it's actually impossible to do otherwise!

I would suggest at least pre-fitting the Flyleds kit now while you have clear access. The kit could then be put back on the shelf to avoid possible damage when you go through the process of fitting the tips to the wings.