my question is, What creates lift on those things?

Cool a car that can fly. What kinda gas mileage will it take to sling a 2 ton auto through the air fast enough to make enough lift off the body?

guess thats 2 questions

my question is, What creates lift on those things?

Cool a car that can fly. What kinda gas mileage will it take to sling a 2 ton auto through the air fast enough to make enough lift off the body?

guess thats 2 questions
An aircraft goes UP because it makes air go DOWN. In the case of the 4 fan air-car in the 60 minutes piece, the ducted fans make the air go down. Think of it as a form of helicopter, or kinda like a Harrier jet using props instead of a turbojet. I suspect even in forward flight, most of the downwash (the action whose upward reaction we call Lift) comes from the ducted fans.
I'm sure in forward flight there will be some lift from the body, but nothing substantial (it's major contribution will be drag). Lose power and you make like a rock :eek: