Mike Ice

Well Known Member

Lately when someone says, nice airplane, when they see what I have built I reply. "It isn't an airplane yet". "It won't be an airplane until it puts air between the earth and the wheels under it's own power".

Do you think that is a fair response?

What is your criteria for determining when your pile of parts became or becomes an aircraft.

Mike Ice

Maybe next weekend this accumulation of parts will fly.
When it becomes capable of putting air between the earth and the wheels under it's own power.

Until then, it is a partially-completed airplane.
When it has an Airworthiness Certificate!

When the Airworthiness Certificate is issued, it becomes an airplane.
Of course


The voice of reason and wisdom.

I hope I get the airplane certificate next weekend.

I would say any amount of parts that resemble an airplane, could be called to the layman, an airplane. I wouldn't get technical with someone giving a simple complement.
good answer


It isn't or was never meant to be a put down. I am always courteous with the folks that come around and want to talk airplanes. I was just wondering.

From a certain point of view....it is an airplane at conception (that first cut of aluminum ). The following will probably (definitely) be a rediculous response......BUT, I feel I must respond.
Seems as my project progresses.....scratches, paint runs, less than perfect rivets...etc. and every now and then....nice work, this project has taken on a personality of its own and is developing before my eyes...Kind of like the gestating fetus??? That project is an airplane in my view....it just hasn't been born yet and received it's "birth certificate"....In fact, mine even has a name picked out ....N854TW
Told ya this would be rediculous, however, when I am complemented on my airplane....I just repond ..."Thank you", and say "I hope to fly her within the next five years...


Yes. There was an engine start last weekend and a bunch of taxi tests. I even did one taxi full length of the runway just barely fast enough to get the tail up in the air. The DAR wants 1 hour on the engine before I can get the sign off, there is now 1.1 hours, so I guess I am ready.

The airplane (almost) feels very solid so far and accelerates quickly. The engine starts and runs fine and I feel confidant that it will work great.

Terry, What you say doesn't sound ridiculous. When we finally pushed 491CE out of the garage and put it on a trailer to head to the airport it felt like we were kicking it out of the nest.
