
Well Known Member
Just curious - does anyone know when Blue Mountain started using Windows on their Lite/Sport and EFIS/One units? There was a thread on their message board some while back where Greg said "...since we arent running windoze, i dont have a wealth of usb support for standard drives...".

But as far as I can tell, they are using Windows now and I'm wondering when/why the change of heart...
Why do you think they're running Windows?

I talked to the the lead programmer at Sun-n-fun. I'm an embedded developer myself so we talked quite a bit about what goes on inside of the units. He said that currently they're running DOS (although they're basically just using the bootloader) and they're migrating to rt-linux because it will ease their certification process. From what he said, Windows was no where in the picture.
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I'm a developer too (I tell you this only to explain my curiosity). I'm not sure if their executables are windows apps or not - I was poking around in one of them and saw imports from the Windows API. Not sure. Also - for their terrain mapping, they are using efis.dll written by pcAvionics - this is definitely a Win32 .dll and likewise contains lots of imports from the API.

I probably poking further than I should but like I said, I'm just curious.
Windows? Just say no ...

Nope, we know better. There is a Windows-based EFIS out there, but rest assured it's not one of my designs. All BMA EFIS products are based on a Unix-like OS. It's essentially a microkernel I wrote back in the late 90's.

Dunno where you got your info, but I can safely say the only Windows code in my plane in the luggage bay. :)
