
Well Known Member
Im probably 6 months or so away from ordering the emp. kit, should I go ahead and order the preview plans or just wait until its closer to that time? Also, im looking at the toolkits from Avery and Cleavland... and im torn between the two. Is either one suitable? Avery is local, so I could pick it up and not pay shipping, but I'd have to pay taxes...
Gary Bricker

I'm also local in the DFW area and I know the Avery folks very well and they are very good to work with and really support the RV world. Not to say others don't. Make the plunge and order the kit. It will come with the plans.
I probably purchased 90% of my tools from Avery, 9% from Cleaveland, and the remaining 1% from a variety of vendors that I only purchased a single item.

Both Bob and Mike run great companies and sell quality tools. On a tool by tool basis, one may be slightly better than the other. The simpliest thing to do is to by a complete kit from either.

Based upon some input from local builder's I ordered most of the Avery kit and suplemented it with tools from Cleaveland. After six months of use, there are a few things that I would have probably done differently if buying today.

I haven't had the opportunity to deal personally with Mike, but I've heard nothing but positive comments. I have dealt with Bob Avery on a variety of issues, most of them were caused by the operator (me). I've received nothing but great service from him and others at Avery.

If I was local to him, I would be in constant trouble with my wife. I'd probably be buying something new every couple weeks. :D

Buying tools has turned out to be a very personal process. What I may consider good, you may not. Additionaly, features that I consider critical, you may not rank as highly. In otherwords, I don't think there is a one size fits all answer. If you're interested in what tools I purchased from the various vendors, please send me an email.

I'm also local in the DFW area and I know the Avery folks very well and they are very good to work with and really support the RV world. Not to say others don't. Make the plunge and order the kit. It will come with the plans.

Yea but I thought the preview plans come with other info like shop practices etc... is this stuff not necessary?
Get the plans early so you can familiarize yourself with them and the instructions before you have a drill in your hand. You will have more time to mentally visualize things and sort them out, i.e. avoid goofs.
Yea but I thought the preview plans come with other info like shop practices etc... is this stuff not necessary?

FWIW, you do need the Preview Plans binder, and I don't believe Van's will even sell you a kit unless you have the Preview Plans (or order them concurrently). That binder contains more than just scaled-down drawings. It has sections of the construction manual that don't come with any of the airframe kit phases. Like flight testing, weight & balance, etc.
Sport Air Workshop

I would highly recommend the "RV" Sport Air Workshop.
It doesnt show you everything, but you will feel much more comfortable starting than without it. It is about $300 for 2 days of training with someone that has experience with building an RV. Hey.....You might even get Dan as a instructor...:D

Order plans now and read through them.....yes...they do have shop practices and much much more....then you can come to the workshop with all of your questions. Take the workshop right before you start the emp so you dont forget any of the info.
Have fun

7A wings
Well guys, I ordered the preview plans this morning! Such a small step in the process but still has a tiny sense of accomplishment. :) I cant wait to get this thing built. Its probably going to take me 5 years or more, but I WILL join the ranks eventually! In the mean time, HURRY UP UPS!!!
You will enjoy reading the preview plans. You might want to also get the latest compilation of the RV Aviator from Vans. A lot of it will not be relevent as it discusses other models that won't apply to yours, and some of the issues discussed have been addressed with the latest kits, but it still a great read that will keep you occupied for many evenings.

I highly recommend both Plane Tools and Brown's. Great customer service and prompt shipments. You might wish to get the tools and a practice kit from Vans while waiting for that big day when the empannage kit arrives. You can also start building not only any work benches you may need, but also some of the wooden jigs to save time later.