The "when" is the latter of the effective date (which was June 1) OR the date the claim is "approved." This is getting technical, but since Vans has not formally "approved" the bulk of the filed deposit claims, and they have until the end of July to dispute any claim, I would not expect any payment to be forthcoming until at least August. It would be a nice surprise if it came earlier.

"How" is usually via a check sent to the address listed in the proof of claim... or also in this case the address in Vans' deposit/order records if no proof of claim was filed.
The "when" is the latter of the effective date (which was June 1) OR the date the claim is "approved." This is getting technical, but since Vans has not formally "approved" the bulk of the filed deposit claims, and they have until the end of July to dispute any claim, I would not expect any payment to be forthcoming until at least August. It would be a nice surprise if it came earlier.

"How" is usually via a check sent to the address listed in the proof of claim... or also in this case the address in Vans' deposit/order records if no proof of claim was filed.
no point sending a Check to overseas customers though.
And in a similar vein, am I correct in my assessment that all claims under US$1,000 have been wiped clean and that all those unsecured creditors with claims under this value will receieve nothing?