Rick RV-4

Well Known Member
About to order my lights - in either case I'm going with the "all in one" NAV/STROBE/POSITION light package, just to keep it simple.

Anyone have any pros or cons about the lighting packages from either of these companies? Looks like the Aeroflash units are about $200 cheaper, so I'm planning on going that route unless I hear some bad stuff about them.

Also, when wiring these lights, I'm planning on using a switch for NAV and POSITION together, and then a separate switch for the STROBES (I know you can use a progressive switch to do this but I'd like to keep them separate). Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance . . .

Also, when wiring these lights, I'm planning on using a switch for NAV and POSITION together, and then a separate switch for the STROBES (I know you can use a progressive switch to do this but I'd like to keep them separate). Any thoughts?
I think this is a good idea and is how I am wiring mine. I don't think progressive switches make sense here, even though I think I saw something in Aeroelectric Bob's book suggesting this. There are going to be times when you want the nav lights on but no strobes (in clouds, for example), and times when you want strobes but no nav lights (daytime, for example).
On my old Zodiac

I had nothing but trouble with my Aeroflash power supplies...I got real good at replacing capacitors.

So far the strobe package from www.creativeair.com (he buys them from police supply outfit that advertise on the web) has be trouble free.

I've been running AeroFlash strobes since the early '80s with no problems. My RV-6 will soon turn 15 years old and the AeroFlash strobes are still going.
The secret of strobes is to keep them working. Strobe power supplies that sit for months tend to have the capacitors go bad.
I have a set of strobes for my bi-plane on the shelf. I plug them in and let them run at least once a month.
Thanks so far guys . . .

Mel, the gal I talked to at Aeroflash said the same thing. She said they were backlogged about 6 weeks, but encouraged me not to buy until I was just about ready to fly due to the "aging" effect on the components. Guess this is what she was talking about.

Curious to see if anyone has had this problem with the Whelen products.
A number of us

Zodiac drivers had the same issue with the Aeroflash Power supplies.

I've got Whelen individual power packs in the tips of my -6. 9 years and 800+ hours with not one issue. They have always worked when the switch is up!
That being said, I'm going to buy the Aeroflash for my -8 (heh). Hard to justify the price difference.

400+ hours on my doubleflash units and no problems. Also put a set of them on my old C-170B which operated for several hundred hours with no issues before I sold it. YMMV....

My AI buddy tells me that the Whelen products see far fewer service issues than the Aeroflash. I personally like the flash pattern of the Whelen Comet power supply, but they take a while to form up the caps if they sit idle for long periods. Good idea to turn them on during preflight runup to keep them in shape.
Whelen will soon have A650s with LED nav lights available. Will be a different P/N.

One other thing to consider is that a all in one unit will be in the plane. Easier access but you are running high power leads out to the strobe with the whelen unit. This can cause problems if you ever had any gas leakage. Some Beech airplane have blown up the wing because of the strobe wire igniting the fuel. Aeroflash units are mounted out on the tips which have plenty of room and keep the units away from the tanks. Also if on goes bad, you still have another. If the whelen goes belly up, you have nothing. Plus the aeroflash is way cheaper. Aden Rich

I went with Aeroflash strobes because of the cheaper cost. 300 hours and no issues. You can indeed wait until until close to completion to mount the powersupplies if you want. Just run 16 ga(might be 18 ga. don't remember) to the tip ribs and the shelf where the stabilizer mounts for power. I locally grounded after consulting with 'lectric Bob. Works fine.

I have a early version of Creativeair LED Position lights. They work great.

If doing again, l'd go all LED including the strobes. Easier wiring, less weight, better longevity.
progressive switching

I went with the 'lectric Bob recommendation of progressive switching of strobes then nav lights. I wouldn't do it again. Go with the seperate switches for each.

I have the Whelen units. Since I fly around Philly all the time they are on constantly. No problems so far.
