
Sooo, Long ago I changed my Whelen Strobes to Aero LED's like many of us. I then gave away most of the parts to those on forums looking for replacement lenses and such. Now I bought a used plane with Whelen Strobes on it and yep, in spite of my caution, I managed to break one of the clear lenses that covers the "strobe coil bulb".

Does anyone out there still have parts around from a similar upgrade? If so could I beg or buy a clear glass strobe cover?

Specifically this is a Whelen part A612 and is about $67 at aircraft spruce. That seems a lot for an old ugly lens cover that many of us have sitting around collecting dust. I'd be interested in any deal better than $67 !

Look at Sky Geeks - on line . Got a lens replacement from them a few wks. I opted for the plastic one ( dropped the glass one I had) but they also had glass.