
Well Known Member
Just thought I would throw this out to the smarter people before I gave Whelen a call tomorrow. (I did a search but did not find the info I was looking for)

Whelen A490, T-DF-14/28 strobe power supply
Aeroflash 073-0540G (Nav/Strobe/Pos light)

Problem: Right strobe quit working. My power supply date of manufacture is Oct 02' so I know it is old.
(Left strobe w/ individual pwr supply works fine.)

I have verified 12V going into power supply and a good ground, but did not complete Whelen troubleshooting guide as I just found it on VAF tonight after I left the hangar.

My question is, if the power supply were good and the flash tube the problem, would you be able to hear the power supply working? Meaning, when everything is functioning properly, you can hear the power supply hum, buzz and snap with the strobes.

Just wondering if the power supply could be good and the flash tube bad. If this were the case, would the bad tube cause the power supply to be quiet and appear not to be on?


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Well, the simple answer is to swap strobe lights. If the problem follows the light, the light is defective. If the problem stays on the right, it's the power supply (or wiring).
You are correct. If I had more time at the hangar today I would have done that. Ran out of time unfortunately.

Anyone had this before, that could shed some light?
The hum you would hear is the capacitors charging up. If they are never discharged, there will be no need to charge back up, no hum.
Check ground

Rule out a grounding issue before you replace any hardware. I've managed to goof up a few grounding connectors which caused me grief. I've learned while trouble shooting look first at the work done by the amateur (me).
Same problem and easy fix

Just took a $75 A610M flashtube ------ my flashtube had an internal milky deposit after it went out, so was easy to spot.
Trying the flash tube

Good point, thought I put that in my original post, but didn't. I have verified 12V into the power supply and a good ground.

I have a replacement Aero Flash tube on the way. Should be here Wednesday to swap out before heading to Sun-n-Fun. If that doesn't fix it, I think I should be able to find a power supply while I am there! :rolleyes:

I called Whelen this morning. The tech said I should be able to hear the power supply on initial power up, but it would stop making noise after a few seconds as the capacitors have not discharged. (What AltonD said) My power supply is completely quiet, so I am not convinced it is a cheap flash tube fix. Fingers crossed though.

There is a slight discoloration to the flash tube, but again not totally convinced. I wish I would have had more time at the hangar to investigate further. I will post the result of the flash tube swap out.


P.S. TIP: Careful when removing the outside metal cover, the lenses for nav and pos lights are loose and will BREAK if they come in contact with the ground from about 3 feet! (Care to guess how I know?)
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Thread closeout

Thought I would update and close the loop on this thread in case anyone is referencing this in the future.

I replaced the flash tube, but just as I thought it didn't fix the problem.

I called Whelen again and didn't get much help out of them as my unit is over 10 years old. It was a refurbished unit that lasted for a little over a year.

I spoke to Whelen reps at Sun-N-Fun and received less than stellar help. I understand they are busy, but I was there on the weekend when there were not that many people around. So needless to say, I was not feeling good about spending $300 for a single power supply.

So I bought and installed an AeroFlash power supply at 1/3rd the cost of the Whelen. PROBLEM SOLVED! I figured I could replace it three times before I approach the cost of the Whelen.


Hi Dan: I'm getting irregular and weak flashes from my 10 year old Whelan unit that has never flown. Have tried to keep capacitor formed by running strobes every 2 or 3 months, but may have waited too long this time. Where did you get your Aeroflash unit? I'll look online until hearing from you. Thanks!

Thanks for quick reply, Dan. Since I have three strobes (both wingtips and tail) I guess I need to keep looking or go to Whelan. Will call them next week. Thanks again and I hope your unit is working well for you.... Bill
Look into a nova unit from strobes and more. Great unit and a lot cheaper than whelan.

Bob burns
Rv-4 n82rb
oldie but goodie

I realize this post is old, but I'm in the same spot as the OP. Whelen power supply and A600 strobes, 2 wingtips in a -6A. Neither strobe works. I have power to the power supply. I replaced the power supply with a Nova unit, to no avail.

Anyone have any tips before further troubleshooting or dropping $225 on 2 new flash tubes?

Does anyone have an alternative to the Whelen flash tubes?

Thanks in advance!