
Well Known Member
keep an eye on your wheelpant bracket for cracks. this tab of mine was broke off. ower MRO shop put some material back on then fred stucklen help me rivet on a doubler. we did both sides. the runway here is not very smooth and has been very hard on lots of the planes flying out of here. seeing that i bought my plane in 1999 this was the first rivet i have ever done. having built 3 rvs fred was an huge help. thanks fred. i think i will be beefing up the outer bracket that attaches to the axil nut.

Looks Like You've Got a Clearance Problem as Well

The radial scoring marks around the back side of the bracket may eventually lead to failure there. Easily fixed by increasing the length of the spacers holding the bracket off the brake assembly. Looks like around .060 should do it. I had to take the cure myself.
Terry, CFI
RV-9A N323TP
the original is AL, ............

replacement SS. i think the doubler will work fine. easy fix. we will see. the runway at 7B6 skylark is a real test. a tooth rattler on landing.