


If you wish to install fixed penetration wheel/skis on your RV8 (only RV8)
These wheel/skis were designed as a safety solution in case I need to land urgently flying during winter, they are used on semi-prepared snow and ice, I have flown out of 18 inch soft powder but it was kind of its limits, not designed for real deep or slushy conditions. I've been using them for 5 years and a good friend recently did the drawings for me, I have photos and will be working on the bill of materials.
I will not provide answers to questions or design a set of skis for any other RV models.
For more info go to this link
If you are interested send me a PM and I can provide for free however you must provide proof you donated to Vans Airforce go to
Thank you for making the effort to make your ski design available to others. I lived near Anchorage for a couple of years and got to spend some time in a neighbors ski equipped Cessna 140. Very enjoyable flying. Would love to make a pair of your skis for my RV-8 some day. Please let us know when the materials list is available.
PM sent, along with contact information and donation details. Let me know if you need that check photo.