
Well Known Member
I posted something similar on Matt's RV List but haven't received a reply.

I have the gear leg fairings of my -8A rivited and attached to the legs. However, I'm having a difficult time figuring out how to properly mount (not align) the wheel pants. I just can't visualize the process. The pants are drilled and rivited and fit together quite well, but I'm uncomfortable cutting the holes in the pants and drilling until I really understand what I'm doing.

Anyone have any words of wisdom of links to the fitting process? There's lots of stuff out there about alignment, but I can't find similar material about mounting.

Maybe it's an irrational brain fart or subconscious burnout (today is day 1 of the 6th year of my projected 3-year build process; funny how the need for a real job to finance this passion interferes with that passion) - I did, after all, decipher Vans baffle and snorkle instructions, and the only good thing about that **** fibergalass is ease of repair of major screw ups!
The good thing is that, as you say, fiberglass is pretty easy to repair if you screw it up....

1) Join the front and back of the pants, shaping the joint as required. Install the nut plates - you might end up cutting one of later - no big deal.

2) Mount the inboard hardware brackets to the gear legs.

3) Mount the outboard hardware brackets to the axle nut.

4) Eye ball the cuts necessary to let the wheel pant slide down over the axle. Don't worry if this cut gets large - you'll eventually cover the whole mes with the lower gear leg fairing anyway.

5) Keep enlarging the whole as required It will be in both front and back halves, and you will have to assemble and re-assemble several times) until it sits at the proper height above ground, and contacts both inner and outer hardware brackets.

6) Go to alignment procedures - continue trimming holes if required.

Just do it! :)
