
Well Known Member
Does anyone remove their wheels pants in the winter, for more ground clearance?

Which leads to the next question....if I were to fly without the nose wheel pant....how does the wheel fair straight during landings, so it vanes true, or doesn't the wheel pant have any effect in keeping it straight?

I don't understand this. Thx for the education folks.
The nose wheel hangs behind the leg, so will basically fair straight back. I've never heard of anyone having an issue landing because of a lack of wheel pants.

another reason

Another reason to remove wheel pants in the winter is to prevent slushy snow from accumulating up inside then freezing to the wheel at altitude.... will make for very exciting landings... :eek:
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yep, going to remove these for the time being for winter, as will also have time to create some access holes for servicing the tires. regards, dm
If you leave them on I use these tips of caution.
-A warm wheel coming out of the hanger has a greater chance to freeze.
-Do a touch and go right after lift off to confirm they are not froze, full curcuit.
-Do NOT ride the brakes while taxing, that will heat things up and then they will freeze.
-Light powder that is only an inch or so deep is fine after the wheels have cooled, comming out of the warm hanger and onto that powder is a bad idea.
-Do not go in snow deeper than the wheel sticks out of the pant.
-Landing on a complete ice covered runway with both mains locked up is totally controllable:eek: Don't panic.:D Fly it like it has skis.
-Be sure there is always a dry patch of pave to break the wheels free after landing.
Ask me how I know:)

So yes taking them of is best, but we travel south in the winter so I leave them on.
Bob Schauber

I have always removed pants for winter. If you get ice or water on the discs and they freeze it becomes a problem with the pants on but you can kick the tire to free them with the pants off. You don't loose much speed with them off.