
I recently did the long gear mod on my RV-4 with the help of my mechanic who has built 9 RVs. The gear mod requires the two-piece pressure recovery wheel pants. We started them together but he has since given up helping me due to other projects. I did not build my plane and have little to no build experience. Looking for any help in pointing me to a video, blog or any other info source that can help me finish the wheel pants and associated fairings.

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Why does the long gear legs mod require pressure recovery wheel pants?

My RV-4 project came with long legs and the old VA-108 one-piece wheel pants.

Now I'm debating whether to spend the $500+ for pressure recovery pants.

Maybe it doesn’t Finn. I guess I just assumed it did because my “expert” said I needed to get them when I bought the parts for the mod.
Get that section of the builders manual

I have one somewhere in my hangar but maybe vans has a file you could down load??

What kind of skills do you have? Drill a hole? Install nut plates
Measure and position the airplane?

Its not a tough job unless you cant do the above tasks

You can buy RV-4 plans on a disc from Vans for $10 and they should have all the details you need.
Can someone with RV-4, 6, 7, or 9 plans in a digital format just e-mail him the .pdf of the wheel pants installation plans? He could have 'em in his hands this afternoon. If you're up for that, just send him a PM asking for an e-mail address.