[email protected]

Active Member
My hangar has a fairly steep slop from the taxiway to hangar floor. If I pull the airplane in by the tail, the aft end of the wheel pants will drag pretty badly.

Antone else have this issue and has found a solution?
Probably keep the pants from getting torn up, but would still drag.

Thinking I need to left the tail up somehow. A lift built in a tug maybe.
You might try rigging a bridle that attaches to each main gear at the wheel.
That way there is no downforce on the tail
Assuming conventional gear...Maybe a dolly of some sort to raise the tail (eg. wheel pants) while you're pulling it in?
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I have teflon tape on the bottom of my wheel pants. I repaired my wheel pants once due to some scraping from uneven ramps and taxi ways. The tape helps but I suspect I will have to repair the wheel pants again.