
Well Known Member
For those who have landed at Frazier Lake (1C9), is it necessary to take off the wheel pants? How about the grass strip at Columbia (O22). I'll be in San Jose next week and wanted to stop by Frazier Lake. Haven't landed on grass since my transition training with Mike in Oregon. Any tips on these two airports in particular and landing on grass in general? Thanks!
Given the choice at Columbia I used the paved runway both last year and the year before. I walked the grass to check it out and thought it was a little too rough for my small tires with wheel pants. The gravel taxiway to camping is also a little rocky. I do land at several other grass strips in Oregon and Idaho that are as good or better than Vernonia.
I've landed at Columbia with pants on many times.

Most with the bigger tires (380/150-5) but early on, also with 500-5 tires. But I also mounted my wheel pants 1/2" higher than the plans show, originally with the idea that it would be easier to get wheel chocks under then, and later glad I did because it made room for the bigger tires. The combination means that my wheel pants have a full inch greater ground clearance than is standard.

All that just to say that although I had no troubles, YMMV if your wheel pants are installed as per plans.
Frazier lake

I've landed at Frazier lake with wheel pants as well as a grass strip in Idaho. Frazier lake should be in good shape right now since it hasn't rained significantly in months.
