
Well Known Member
I'm putting the main wheels on the gear legs. Looking at DWG C2, you can sort of see the picture of how these come together, but it is rather sparse on detail. I've got the powder coated U-403 bracket mounted to the gear leg, the brake mounting plate outside of that, then on the back side of the U-403 are the three U-408 spacers, and finally the U-810 wheel pant support bracket. The issue I'm having now is in the picture below (right gear leg shown).


The brake caliper should be able to slide into the two holes on the brake mounting plate, but the U-810 is slightly covering the top hole.
Anyone else run into this? I'm assuming I can just trim the U-810 so that the brake calipers have an unobstructed path into the guide holes.
I just assembled mine and they fit just fine. I suspect the caliper bracket is installed backwards. The long dowles face inboard.

That caliper bracket looks wrong... Are they Cleveland wheels and brakes?
No, these came from Van's and are Matco brakes. I've looked a dozens of other builder websites and the brakes that I have don't look like any I've seen. Maybe these are a new type? The calipers are anodized gold and have "Matco mfg PH-1A" engraved on them.

How could the dowels on the brake calipers face inboard? There would be no room to install them.
My finish kit came with matco wheels and bracks also not what I expected. this is the first fit with matco . first problem. just trim bracket. report it to vans.

William Bennett
RV8 flying
RV7 fuselage
Here are some more pictures. Looks like I will be asking Van's to see what they have to say about the wheel pant bracket needing to be trimmed.


This picture gives a view of how the brake caliper floats on the pins and clamps on to the brake disc. The 2 bolts on the left side of the caliper come out to split the 2 disc brake pads so that you can get one on the interior (outboard side) of the disc and the piston section on the inboard side.


Here is a close up of what I think needs to be trimmed off of the wheel pant support bracket for the caliper to slide in place without binding.

Although my 9 originally came with Clevelands, I have since changed to Matco because I went to larger wheels/tires. I ended up mounting my brakes hanging down from the flange. You will still have to do some trimming on the wheel pant bracket to make them fit. Note that if you mount them as shown, it may be difficult to impossible to get the brake line onto the brakes because of interference with the wheel pant bracket (caveat - your brakes may not be exactly the same as mine and may not have some of these issues, but I figured it was worth mentioning so you could look closely before making yourself a secondary problem).

I sent email to Van's support 5 days ago, but haven't heard back on this. If they did resond, it might have gotten blocked by my employers email spam filters...

I did find some other builder's web log pictures of earlier style brake calipers (cleveland?) from Van's that definitely have a narrower flange and distance between the pins. It looks like the U-810 will need to be trimmed so that caliper can float fully on the pins.
Hi Bruce did you just end up trimming the U-810 bracket to allow the caliper to slide freely? I'm having the same issue with my RV6A with the latest finishing kit available from vans so it has the Matco brake system just as your 9a does.


I sent email to Van's support 5 days ago, but haven't heard back on this. If they did resond, it might have gotten blocked by my employers email spam filters...

I did find some other builder's web log pictures of earlier style brake calipers (cleveland?) from Van's that definitely have a narrower flange and distance between the pins. It looks like the U-810 will need to be trimmed so that caliper can float fully on the pins.
Looks like you don't have much choice other than trimming like you propose.
My 7A came stock with Clevelands which must have different pin positions than the Matcos because they fit without any bracket modification.