
Well Known Member
Ok am I obsessing like I did setting up my jig for the fuselage or am I missing a simpler method.
I did it mostly by the book and maybe my floor is off or my measurements but I ended up with two wheel pants that were both fit differently. sooo.....
I took many measurements tonight, even got the laser out. only to come up with what seems to be an immeasureable amount of diffrence in alignment, but when I look at the pants they look like they fit diffrently.
It doesnt help things that the wheels are cambered so getting a square measurement is pretty hard.

I just dont want to end up with something that one of you all are going to walk by at OSH and go " geesh his pants are crooked"
And Ill be like " looked straight in the garage that cold windy night."
pictures would be greatly appreciated

I think the laser is great for this step. Not sure if all lasers can do this, but the tip on mine can be rotated freely to align with the wheel camber. I took a few pics doing this. Hope this helps.

Alright, thanks

I went out today and finally I am satisified with my pants, not the ones Im wearing but anyway.
Reset up and used the lasar method, works great.

Tomorrow ill fill in all the extra holes I made getting these things the way I want them.

How big of a clearance did everyone use on the wheels? Ill search this after this and I know Ive read some talk about this subject. Allowances for flat tires ect.

Jury is still out about the blister or not on the calipers, mine are touching but I dont know if it will be a problem.