
I'm New Here
After a short local flight this weekend I seem to have lost the inner panel on my right hand wheel fairing. My airplane is an RV4 that was completed in 1989. I have contacted Vans and since 1999 they have used a newer style wheel fairing. This has become a builder supplied part. (Maybe is was originally a builder supplied part I don't know). When I bought the airplane I also purchased a preview plans set. My preview plans reference the new style wheel fairing.
I do have the capability to make the part, but if someone out there has any information, or can tell me that someone has these on the shelf, or can confirm that it is a builder supplied part that would be great. I will attempt to get a picture up soon.
Thanks so much in advance for your replies.

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"Builder supplied" implies it was a custom made part that was molded in place.

Can you simply use the other side part as a reference and make a mirror image?
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