
Well Known Member
Question. The plans allow for wheel alignment prior to installing the wheels and brakes. Since when I put on the wheels the fuse was very light, no tailcone or avionics or engine, the wheels sit at a great angle to the floor yet. I suspected that alignment would be a wasted drill since there would be a change when loaded.
Now I see that it will be a major pain to shim the axles later, having to remove the brakes and wheel to do it, so what should I do?
1. Have builders found that there is a change in alignment after loading the plane?
2. Did you find the alignment shims were even needed?
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Don, I remember just following the alignment directions when called for in the plans. If memory is correct, I think I had to use an additional shim on the left side. In regards to the angle to the floor...that is normal and will decrease slightly when the engine is added. It won't go away completely, that is just the design. If you put two of "me" :) in the plane....the angle does reduce a lot.