
Besides the occasional "RV Talk", of course. What's the best aviation podcast out there? I'm looking for something with a GA-bent, possibly (hopefully) friendly to experimentals as well.

I've found:

RV Pilot Podcast - - but it only has two episodes from a couple of years ago.

Pilotcast - - looks pretty good

EAA AvCast - - only AirVenture?

What else is out there worth listening to?
I'll third finerpoints - in fact it's just about the only one I listen to anymore. I had high hopes for an RV podcast a year or so ago, but it seems to have died after the first show.

I brought the subject of podcasting up with Doug a few years ago. I thought it would be a good addition to this site. I think the problem is Who's going to do it - I'm sure there are a few computer savy people here that could do it...
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Hi Jeff,

Sounds like a good spot to remind people they can call 206.202.5059 and leave up to a five minute audio clip on any RV topic they wish. I'll post it on the front page of the site the next day (usually). It emails me a short .wav file.

Upcoming events, workshops, clinics, first flight thoughts, etc.



CaptainQwyx said:
Besides the occasional "RV Talk", of course. What's the best aviation podcast out there? I'm looking for something with a GA-bent, possibly (hopefully) friendly to experimentals as well.

I've found:

RV Pilot Podcast - - but it only has two episodes from a couple of years ago.

Pilotcast - - looks pretty good

EAA AvCast - - only AirVenture?

What else is out there worth listening to?
Here's what I've found...

I thought I'd come back and report on what I've found and listen to regularly (all are available in iTunes).

Aero-News Network: great all-around aviation news, daily. Covers the gamut, but with a GA perspective (especially in the Special Features - daily 20 minute interviews with various industry folks).

The Finer Points: weekly, 5-10 minutes, wonderful training/safety focus and good music

EAA AvCast: every two weeks, around 10 minutes, AirVenture focus.

PilotCast: around an hour, haven't seen an episode in a few months, but I'm going through old episodes, good GA "hangar flying"

Uncontrolled Airspace: similar to PilotCast, every week, about an hour, with current episodes

UND Aerocast: great training videos, monthly, usually 5-10 minutes

Please let me know if there's anything else out there, specifically experimental and/or RV-related.

- Jeff