
Well Known Member
Anyone heard from Rudi (in S. Africa I believe) or Dan Checkoway?

I haven't seen either of them posting in quite awhile?

I know Rudi was making huge progress on his plane, and I think Dan was starting on a -8?

Just curious if anyone has heard from them. I enjoy reading the informative posts they have submitted over the years.....

Take care,
I don't know about Rudi but I know Dan just can't fit everything on to his plate. Dan checked in earlier in this thread, Rosie
Gary, Rudi is well.

He is working on his firewall forward stuff now.

He is doing well!

I am sure he will post up soon!

:) CJ
David Karlsberg told me "they're talking about you on VAF," and sent me the link to this thread. I'm not monitoring VAF regularly lately. Here's something I posted on our local list this morning...

Ok, Skylane fans...you're off the hook for the time being. Cirrus drivers
were on my radar until yesterday. My wife Jen loves the Cirrus. She likes
how "smooth" and curvy it looks. So yesterday I finally had a chance to
show her what a smooth, curvy plane looks like GOING BACKWARD.

Below is an email exchange I had last night with a Cirrus driver I passed in
the central valley. Names have been changed to protect the innocent. 8^)

7.4gph vs. 10gph, going 20+ knots faster. I love my RV!

)_( Dan

----- Original Message -----
To: Dan Checkoway
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 3:34 PM
Subject: Was that you?


Was flying back from ... to ... around noon today and met an RV-7 at 9500'
just west of NAS Lemoore.

Was that you?

The RV-7 must have had 20-25 KTS overtake on me in the Cirrus.

From: Dan Checkoway [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2007 4:06 PM
Subject: Re: Was that you?

Yep, that was Jen & me. After we crossed, I dipped a bit and turned toward
you just to make sure I had the Cirrus licked at my economy cruise power
setting (2280 RPM @ 7.4 gph), then headed back up and on course. 8^)

)_( Dan

To: 'Dan Checkoway'
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2007 6:26 AM
Subject: RE: Was that you?

Cool! I thought it was your -7 but I couldn't make out the side number.

Nice seeing you again..

P.S. I was burning 10 GPH when we crossed.

I appreciate the replies, everyone.

Speaking of Rudi....this is how I see it:

1750 hours of building.....

2000 additional hours of taking photos and making the videos....

3000 more hours on top of all the above, sweeping the floors in his shop :D

Dang, they must have more hours in the day where he lives, versus the USA :eek: :rolleyes:
Sometimes, ya' just gotta work on the plane....

I can sympathize with Rudi and Dan dropping their forum participation a bit as other priorities emerge - especially if Rudi is getting close to flying, then he needs to be working on the plane rather than surfing!

This weekend, Louise and I tore her panel apart for a major rebuild, and I have a feeling that my own frivolous post count will go down considerably for the next month, until that project is complete.

The key (for me) to building is to build the airplane...not a web site....;)

And as long as Dan keeps improving Weathermeister, I'm not going to disturb him!

Hi Guys,

Sorry I have not been around for a while I had a good laugh reading these post. Thank you for your support.

I have been puckering along slowly with the RV 'off-line' as some of my friends will know. (Thanks Captain John for your help!) and RVZ(Chris) for bringing this thread to my attention.

Been very busy last couple of months preparing a final home for the RV, see pictures below. Well the hangar is done, and I can focus on the RV again.

Currently I am busy with FireWall forward stuff, the baffles are in (thank goodness) I am tidying up the hoses and manufacturing a air filter box at present.
It is summer here now in South Africa, and I have Summer Holiday Leave coming up, so I will have more hours in the day compared to you guys in the North.

Current RV tasks does not make for good Movies though, so don't hold your breath for a new movie any time soon :confused:

Some more pictures, the future home of the RV, all build ready and waiting:
The Start:

The Final Product:


The Office area:

What gives you the idea I am going to spend a lot of hours here?

Kind Regards
Wow. Just Wow.

Rudi, I've lived in smaller apartments.
Nice office.

Dad always said if I was to ever build a doghouse, build it comfortable :)

(I may just have to plan a flight to Johannesburg! -NOTE TO SELF - see if Rudi is on the "RV Hotel" listing.) :D
Where's the flat panel?

Where's the flat panel TV for watching aviation movies?

RV-10 40025
Firewall Forward
The bathroom door is open, the glass you're seeing is the shower.

Nice hangar Rudy. You're that guy that has to up one everyone and raise the bar for everyone else; keep up the good work.
The bathroom door is open, the glass you're seeing is the shower.
Ditto Paul.

Nice hangar Rudy. You're that guy that has to up one everyone and raise the bar for everyone else; keep up the good work.
Me? Nah not at all, South Africa is too far away to try and raise a bar for people :D but if anyone ever want to visit, you know who you can call and I'll make space to fit your RV too for the holiday! ;)