Harold Lanfear

Well Known Member
Does anybody know what's going on at Grand Rapids? There web site still has the announcement that at SnF '07 they will show their new screens and a few prices; nothing since. Notes to GR asking have siad basically 'everythings fine, just order one' and a PM message last week (from the loss of airspeed data post) to Greg Toman remains unanswered.

I rebuilt my analog panel to accept the regular GR screen, then planned to rebuild it to accept the HR screen. Now, I'm not so sure what to do and am beginning to consider the MGL system based on their customer response and keeping a flow of info to their customers.
I have the new screens in my RV-10

I got on the list in July (after Sun n Fun) and they had them available for me in September. My guess is that they are still filling the backlog.

BTW, I think the new screens are very, very nice. I have always been impressed with the company but thought the old screens were a serious downside so when they announced the new screens I knew I would want them.

In defense of the old screens, several people who have them tell me that you get used to them quickly and they really are fine.
They are shipping one model ... getting the other ready ... I think

Does anybody know what's going on at Grand Rapids? There web site still has the announcement that at SnF '07 they will show their new screens and a few prices; nothing since. Notes to GR asking have siad basically 'everythings fine, just order one' and a PM message last week (from the loss of airspeed data post) to Greg Toman remains unanswered.

I rebuilt my analog panel to accept the regular GR screen, then planned to rebuild it to accept the HR screen. Now, I'm not so sure what to do and am beginning to consider the MGL system based on their customer response and keeping a flow of info to their customers.

I think there was a post here recently by Carlos saying that they are shipping the high resolution/classic processor systems and that thy high resolution/new super-duper processor version will ship some time around January or so.

I also seem to recall him saying that if you were going hi-res/new processor but needed the screens NOW, he would ship high res/classic and update you later.

I think what you have is a very small group working hard to get stuff out the door that works right while keeping costs down. Yes their website could use a LOT of work (they have heard this from a lot of us I am sure) but if I **have** to choose, I choose working product over working website.

Give them a call. Sandy, Carlos, Todd or Greg will answer all you questions, I am sure.

I almost always get someone on the phone when I call - very rarely does it roll over to voicemail, and the great thing is that Sandy (who usually answers) is knowledgeable and will give you straight answers. Try them on the phone.

Good experience with GRT

I have a dual sport system in my 9A and have found The folks at GRT to be very responsive. I called a few days ago, got voicemail and Carlos called me back within 10 minutes. It's a small company working hard. My experience has been positive.

Joe Ramotowski
GRT is Tops!

I have a dual screen Horizon I system integrated with a GNS430, TruTrak VSGV and XM weather. After flying it for 250 hrs I am totally satisfied both with the system and the company and it's support.

Where this system really shines is in the integration with the GNS430 and the autopilot. It flies coupled ILS approaches like it is on rails with the HSI nailed with zero deviation right down to the runway. The resolution of the screens is totally satisfactory for the graphics displayed and the distance it is viewed at. The screens are also very easy to see in all light conditions including direct sun into the screen. I understand that these are automotive navigation screens (BMW) and they conform to high standards regarding readability and environmental parameters.

Martin Sutter
building and flying RV's since 1988
hi res disiplays recent purchase

I bought an HS MFD (only) a couple weeks ago, it was a stock item 4 days from order to in my hand (2 days at the customs broker getting money from me for importing into Canada - sales taxes are due immediately). This is the hi res display with the new display formats, but the original processor.

I don't have Carlos's message with me at work, but as I recall the HX was going to be available in about 8 weeks. Based on that information, I ordered the MFD with the intention of doing the upgrade on it to HX when available, and if the display passes my temperature range testing.