
Well Known Member

I've just gotten my AFS-3500 to talk to my Garmin 296 thanks to the superb customer support from Rob and Travis.

The 3500 is now displaying the GPS NAV data and I love it!

There's one little arrow I can't figure out though, nor did I find anything about it in the manual. (maybe I didn't look close enough?)

If you look at the pic, the arrow in question is the little magenta arrow pointing upwards just to the left of the "CRS/GPS 1" letters in the lower left corner.

What does this mean or show?

What a piece of art this EFIS is!
No doubt I'll be ordering an EFIS from AFS for my second RV!



There's one little arrow I can't figure out though, nor did I find anything about it in the manual. (maybe I didn't look close enough?)

If you look at the pic, the arrow in question is the little magenta arrow pointing upwards just to the left of the "CRS/GPS 1" letters in the lower left corner.

What does this mean or show?

Hi Alf,

My guess is it's a legend. Looking at page 16 of the recently released v6.0 3500 Manual, you'll see a "Bearing Source" and "Course Source" each with a different style arrow. Each arrow is displayed in the HSI.
Those fuel tank (fuel remaining) numbers really boggled my mind until I looked at the fuel flow indicator and saw LPH there. Ahhh, now I get it... :)

Hi David.

Thanks for the reply and you must be correct too! :)
Ofcourse it must be a legend arrow!
When I look in the new manual (didn't know about that version) I see the logic behind it: the magenta arrow is just there to show you what colour the different info is in.

I have the SL-40 radio so no ILS or VOR info for me, but ofcourse the legend-arrow is still there... aaahhh....

Josh: yep, you're quite right: all the fuel figures are in litres because it's metric and 24 hr clocks here in Norway you know.... and almost in all the rest of the world too....(I'm NOT trying to start a "unit-number-war" here guys!... juuuust kidding.... hehe....)

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