
Well Known Member

Finished up Section 27 of the RV-12iS and I didn't see any conclusion to the story of the fitting hole in the adaptor just prior to the fuel filter that the instructions have you taping over.

My suspicion is this will be the fitting for the fuel pressure transducer or fuel flow sensor. I don't recall seeing it in the powerplant kit but I'm not at the hangar at the moment.,

The instructions say I MAY want to wait until avionics wiring is done before attaching the tailcone, but I also think I should attach the tailcone so I can install the rear window and then get the canopy done while it's still hot as blazes in Minnesota.

Any reason not to install the transducer now?
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I would wait to install the rear window and connect the tail cone until you have installed all your avionics. Believe me you don’t want to be crawling around in a cramp space in the heat.
I attached the tailcone when the instructions called for it. With the fuel tank removed, it wasn't too hard to get back there to install things like the autopilot servo.. it would have been nice to have a helper to give me tools though.. i can't tell you how many times i've gotten in and out of the rear end of the plane already...

Wiring may have been slightly easier if I left the tailcone off.. Especially if you are getting the IFR package (VOR antenna at the tail), or the ADSB-in option (the UAT antenna on the bottom of the tailcone). or again, the autopilot roll servo.. doable with the tail on.. but a lot easier without it.

Actually attaching the tail wasn't very difficult..even with just me working alone (with the help of a sawhorse and being able to adjust its height in small increments).
What's interesting to me is the way the instructions hopscotch from one chapter to another. for example if I followed the instructions in the linear fashion, I would put the cowling on before I put the engine on. And obviously that's not the way it should work.

I would do the canopy before I had the tail cone on but then I asked support at Vans a question and they said put the tail cone on first so everything is all firmed up.

And of course there are parts in chapter 27 the fuel system which aren't available until you buy the power plant.

So I think I kind of have to pick my way through and figure out which is the most advantageous procedure, avoiding irreparable "gotchas."

based on what you indicated and what vans has told me in the past it seems like I need to finish up the engine get the Avionics installed then do the tail cone then do the canopy.
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