Robert M

Well Known Member
..... since my fuselage will arrive soon? I want to plan out the placement of the ELT and strobe unit under the baggage compartment floor. I see that the ones that broadcast on 121.5/243.0 MHz simultaneously are soon to be less popular/monitored but will they still be usable? If I read the reports correctly, the 121.5 will not be monitored after 2009? Will the ELT's broadcasting 121.5 still be legal?
The SAR (search and rescue) satelites will no longer monitor 121.5 after 2009. Therefore AFRCC (Air Force Rescue Coordination Center) will no longer notify local SAR folk to locate the source of the signal.
Private individuals and airliners can monitor 121.5. Yeah, right. This, of course, raises many questions as to the validity of the signal and/or the person reporting the signal.
I'd keep my cell phone charged, or purchase a personal locator device, or buy the new $$$ ELT $$$.

"Thank you sir! May I have another?"
Steve got most of it

There is no current indication that 121.5 MHz ELTs will be illegal. I have and will keep mine BUT....where I fly cell phone coverage is not reliable so I bought a GPS enable 406 MHz PLB.
ELT dilema

Thanks Bill.
I had read most of that thread earlier. I'm gonna hold out a bit and see how this all shakes out. I don't need the ELT until I leave the ground anyway.