
Well Known Member

I'm still operating in the UK on a "permit to test" which limits me to a radius of 100 nm from my base (just extended from 25 miles) even though I have flown nearly 20 hours to date. The restriction will not be removed by the UK Light Aircraft Association (who have power of life or death over my plane) until one of two conditions are met. The first is some data from Vans, which was requested months ago and is still not forthcoming. The second is evidence that the RV-12 fleet has flown 2500 hours in total. I know of no way to get the latter data without asking everyone to declare how many hours have been flown.

I'd therefore be eternally grateful if everyone flying was willing to make this data available. So that the data is credible, I guess the minimum I would need is the aircraft N-number (or whatever for other countries), the date first flown, and the hours flown.

I'm happy to publish a running count, at least until the number exceeds 2500 hours ;-)

If you don't want your information publicly available, please e-mail me at:

[email protected]

Thanks in anticipation...Keith


Thanks to those who have already responded...! 14 contributors, 1117 hours

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Can't help you with the flight data, but I am curious as to what kind of data you're trying to get from Van's?
Data Management


I'm still operating in the UK on a "permit to test" which limits me to a radius of 100 nm from my base (just extended from 25 miles) even though I have flown nearly 20 hours to date. The restriction will not be removed by the UK Light Aircraft Association (who have power of life or death over my plane) until one of two conditions are met. The first is some data from Vans, which was requested months ago and is still not forthcoming. The second is evidence that the RV-12 fleet has flown 2500 hours in total. I know of no way to get the latter data without asking everyone to declare how many hours have been flown.

I'd therefore be eternally grateful if everyone flying was willing to make this data available. So that the data is credible, I guess the minimum I would need is the aircraft N-number (or whatever for other countries), the date first flown, and the hours flown.

I'm happy to publish a running count, at least until the number exceeds 2500 hours ;-)

If you don't want your information publicly available, please e-mail me at:

[email protected]

Thanks in anticipation...Keith

I built a web site to do just that
Marty I just updated your Total time Hours
That site will allow to total all flying times as more people add there Data
Let me know what you think

N916PH, First flight: 9 Oct 2010, TT to date: 58 Hrs . . . . .This calender thing is so hard to keep track of . . . .
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Well, someone has posted 40,044 hours on the RVBuilder website. If I belived that, it would be job done. Meanwhile, I'd be delighted if folk would keep coming with today's numbers...

Just Testing

zz test has a total of over 40,000 hours.
Joe, you might want to fix your test entry

Thanks Kent
It took a software engineer to see what I am working on.
I used ZZ Test to keep it at the bottom
Then forgot to turn it off.
The totals will show at the bottom of the lists when I am finished.
120073 - 55 hours here. There are approximately 100 RV12's flying. The two Van's planes flown by the two Mikes must have almost 400 hours each. Obviously it only takes an average of 25 hours each for the 100 planes to make your 2500 hours total for the fleet. Ok, lets certify that it is over 2500 hours!
Good point 2johns. I'm taking a lesson in the Factory 12 next Friday, so I can check its Hobbs. Additionally, if I see Dick, I can ask about his personal one.

Thanks to those who have already responded...! 14 contributors, 1117 hours

I built a web site to do just that
Marty I just updated your Total time Hours
That site will allow to total all flying times as more people add there Data
Let me know what you think


Hi Joe,

Nice idea (the website) but what about the RV's in the rest of the world?

I would guess that a reasonable percentage are actually outside the US of A :)

Just a thought...

Keep 'em coming

16 contributors, 1252 hours flown.

That's half what I am looking for, just 48 hours after requesting the data. The fleet should have demonstrably exceeded 2500 hours, if I can unearth a few more folk. Van's own aircraft must have done significant hours.

Feel free to reply with reg number, date first flown, and total hours, or mail me at:

[email protected]

A whole bunch are probably at sun n' fun, if anyone is making the rounds there they could perhaps get that info for you.
Total time Hours

So I flew 412RV with Mike Seager. Mfg date was 3/2008, and it has 510 hrs as of friday. Hope that helps :)

Thanks Erich
I added N331RV and 412RV total times to
The total time RV12 hours listed now is 2018.7
If any one wants to add or update there total time the email address is at the bottom of the home page

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Since we're already over 2100, and only need 2500, someone's gotta give us a hand? Anyone get a chance to see Mitch's plane and see what its total time is?

If it helps, 331RV is at 6.3 now :)
Hours for 120241/N143WM

First flight 25 September10, currently 32.8 hours. Really lousy Ohio winter/spring plus pneumonia.

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Please update your total time

I added the listed above total time to
And some builders updated there listing today as of now the RV12 total time is 2381 hrs
Please review and report any errors to [email protected].
Please update your total time or send it me

Thanks very much to everyone who has provided data. With the details contained in RVBuilders website data, supplemented by mails sent to me personally, the total now stands at 2900 hours from 31 contributors. This is enough to meet the UK requirement.

As it happens, I understand Vans have also just forwarded the data that the LAA requested some time ago, so I am hoping that a two-pronged attack will be sufficient for me to have a full permit-to-fly very soon.

Thanks again...Keith
Thanks all

Thanks very much to everyone who has provided data. With the details contained in RVBuilders website data, supplemented by mails sent to me personally, the total now stands at 2900 hours from 31 contributors. This is enough to meet the UK requirement.

As it happens, I understand Vans have also just forwarded the data that the LAA requested some time ago, so I am hoping that a two-pronged attack will be sufficient for me to have a full permit-to-fly very soon.

Thanks again...Keith

RV Builders List RV 12 Total time 2537 Hrs
Please review and report any errors to [email protected].
Thanks All