
I'm New Here
Hi you all,

I'm at the point of ordering my homebuild soon.
So far I've almost decided to go for the RV-8, but I'm still pondering about building the F1 Rocket...

Mark told me (via email) he has stopped the production of the kits, but up until now I didn't receive an estimate about when the kit(s) will be available again.
I would like to get thnings started and first build the empennage. If I go for the RV-8 I'll do the same and order the other parts later (and consider mounting a 6 cilinder...)

Any of you building and ordering/getting parts for the Rocket at the moment?
I would prefer the EVO wings by the way.

As things are looking know, I think I might go for the RV, because of the stability of the company (mailed that to Mark as well). Any other words on this that may change my mind?

All idea's and suggestions welcome.

Kind regards,
Words that might change your mind!!

Hi Duncan!
I'm currently building F-1 #167 that will have an IO-550. I arrived here after looking at 6 cylinder RV-8's and being told "They are not designed for this" "They don't fly as well, too nose heavy" and a few other problems I was warned of. NONE of this do I have first hand knowledge of and it could all be a bunch of 'Hooie'.
The thing I do know and have considerable knowledge of is Mark Frederick and Team Rocket. If Mark tells you something you can write it down and count on it! He's a Great Guy to work with and I would not hesitate to do business with again.

For what it's worth, You ask!:D
What he said

Greg's spot on regarding Mark Frederick.
I'm located in Australia, so all communication was by email when I was buying my kit from him (#105 sport wing), and if Mark said it would happen, it did.

If he had a supply problem, he let me know what was happening - very important when you're half the world away - and provided the revised delivery date.
Because of shipping costs, I needed everything to be in the container when it arrived, and it was, nothing on back-order!
I have since met him when he visited us down here, and he's a great guy.

My project should fly around this Christmas btw, just got to win the pinhole battle with the engine cowl, and I'm done.

Ron Graham
F1 kit #105 Sydney, Oz.
build it!

Mark has been great to work with and hoot to talk too. I heard about the production stop due to currency exchange rates and other issues. I'm sure Mark will come up with something soon enough. I know he wants to get the IO-550 engine out there on the Rockets and has the F4 Rocket Lite which he might be offering in kit form. If he doesn't have any kits for now order and RV-8 tailkit from Van's and get to work. Once the dust settles with Mark's operation you can decide what you want. Your RV-8 tailkit can be fitted onto Rocket fuselages with no problems. If your going with the 540, you will need to beef the RV-8 tailkit up a bit but that is not that much work to do. I ordered some parts for my EVO kit #144 the other day and Mark sent them out ASAP. So he still is supporting us out here. Hope this helps you out. Aden.
RV-8 vs. Rocket: No comparison!

I tried really hard to like an RV8...and there is no doubt that it is a great airplane. However, there is absolutely no comparison in preformance, handling, feel, looks...the F1 is vastly superior in all regards.

I decided on the Sport wing and have been thrilled every single flight. 100hours and counting! In my book, there is no better compromise of maneuverability and speed than the sport wing.

Mark is tremendous to work with. The current state is, best we can all tell, just a bump in the road. Mark was not happy with the quality of the work coming from "over there" and the prices kept going up. He is looking for alternative solutions. Until then, the price of partially completed kits will no doubt go up? Mark's support is still great and there is a super network of builders. Couldn't ask for much more!

Just my humble opinion...RV8s with 540s are nearly as pricey as a Rocket! Why bother?!

Jeff Linebaugh
F1 Sport Wing
Memphis, TN
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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the reply's on my post.

As a first time builder I'm not sure to get started with the RV-8 empennage and see what Mark somes up with. I'm in doubt because Mark may be designing a F1 specific empennage. Or is it just the same with some add-on's? If so, I would like to know in advance, so that I will be able to incorporate these changes while assembling.
Via email I asked Mark to comment on this. I'll let you know when I receive an answer.

I guess I do need some building plans and reassurance :)
Don't want to go one way and find out later that I'm stuck with a tailsection that won't suit the F1 well.

If you are building a rocket I highly reccomend the F1 tail. The forward spars of both the HS and VS have been strengthened and the VS and rudder are a comprimise between the RV4 and RV8 height and I think look right for the airplane. The RV8 tail does work on a rocket but I much prefer the size of the F1 elevators. Which ever tail you build do not rivet in the lower forward nose rib on the VS. This will allow you to move it up or down to match the higher turtle deck.
I've had some conversations with Mark over the last month about his supplier issues.

At this point, he is not ready to supply new orders, and there is a strong liklihood that the EVO wing will no longer be available from Mark (although it could be purchased from the Czechs).

Mark will be offering his own version of the EVO wing.

This change-over to domestic supply and the re-engineering of the wing will take some time. I would expect Mark to let us all know when there is substantial news (like tail kits available). My feeling is that then new wing (EVO-II) will be worth waiting for.

Those waiting for the F4 or IO-550 versions to come on line should expect some delays until the kit issue is resolved.

In the meantime, we should all clean up our shops and upgrade our tools!
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I spoke to Mark and he said he wanted to go for a smaller ,lighter wing than the EVO, with less sq ft.
Im sure it will be faster but at the expense of some stall speed. Ive never flown an evo but the low stall is a very attractive advantage, it would be a pity to loose this.
Then again nothing is definite yet , so Im waiting and hopeing Mark will surprise us with something special.
Hi tom, thank you for commenting on the tailsection.

@EJ: Did Mark give you an estimate on when we might expect some news?
I don't mean to rush, but with a rough estimate I can decide on ordering the RV-8 empennage or wait a bit longer for the F1 kit (emp) to be ready.
I don't mind waiting, but I like to know for how long it will be... I don't mind saving some extra cash in the mean time neighter ;)

By the way, I did send some messages to Mark but I have not received a reply so far. I guess he is too busy finishing the F1 kit... :D

Any good links to a F1 builder forum besides this one? Like to go into the process of other builders and reading about the choises the make.


Mark mailed me today.
He told me he is bussy restarting the production in the USA. If all works out he might me able to deliver emp-kits somewhere in Q1 2008. Depending on how things will go in the following weeks.
So it's keeping a watchfull eye on his website for now.

There is a builders forum for owners, Mark would be the person to speak to regarding getting set up there when you make a deposit. A lot of the guys are flying now which reduces the builder forum activity, but questions are answered and there is archive material.
Hi Fellas:

As mentioned, we are working toward a US production setup. Yes, the current global currency exchange rates forced us to stop dealing with the CZ boys almost 1 year ago. We did have some QC issues, but we worked thru these just in time to stop production.

Win some; lose some. Move past it if possible!

The new kits will be the same as the current kits in the areas of the fuselage and empennage, with an option of using the Lyc 540 or a big bore TCM (470, 520, 550) with top induction. I'm not sure if the bottom induction engines can be made to fit -- the aft area of the lower induction system looks like it will interfere with the rudder pedal box, but some genius might come up with an experimental work-around for that issue.

The wing will be composite; the final design is not locked in yet, but my plan is to use the Evo wing as a starting point -- it has very good flight characteristics. I'm not sure if I will produce a Sport Wing version, tho we could make all parts, less the wing kit, available...I think I know of another supplier in Oregon who has some wing parts for sale..

The initial kits will have fixed gear, as current kits do. One our requested design parameters is that the wing can be fitted with retracts, tho I doubt this will be a big seller (expensive in both production and insurance), but there will be those who 'just gotta have it!' I'm pretty sure I'm in that group!

So what will the new kits cost?

I can't say until we have all the data on hand. Sorry!

So, there you have it 'from the horse's mouth' -- you can email me direct with any further questions, or post 'em here. Be assured that if we do get to the point where we are producing kits again, I won't keep it a secret.

Carry on!
Hey Mark,

When you re-tool, can you make sure that the EVO and standard wing are interchangable, make it so I can have a fastback option or not, and I want to use a RV-7 horizontal stab with a RV-9 vertical stab. Oh, and can I have RV-8 elevators without the riveted trailing edge?

I almost forgot, can you make the retract an option on the standard wing, and make it side-by-side with an Lyc 390 engine option? (with a rear induction?):D

Just kidding. Current version is just fine with me!
F1 Rocket Side by Side

All kidding aside, I would build a side by side (tail wheel or nose dragger) F1 Rocket in a New York minute! I love my 7A, but that would be "Da Ticket!" Room on the dash for goodies, Horse power under the cowl, 60 gallons or so of fuel,,,, MMMMM,,,,,
Keep your focus on getting "regular F1" kits out, but thank you for your consideration to a F1 side by side.
Kenny Gene