
I know this is asking something many people might not want to answer as it deals with personal finances.
I'm planning on building a very basic 4.
I'll be 27, single with my own house when it comes time to start, and will have a build budget between $500-1500 a month depending.
I'll have the basic tool kit from avery purchased, I already have the needed shop tools (drill press, air compressor with drills, cut off wheels etc.) along with the empennage and the wings purchased.
I'm a technical person by nature, and always come up with good, simple cheaper (but still safe) solutions. Where it's needed, I won't cheap out!
Instruments will be basic vaccum powered, along with something similar in price to the 296 gps.
Really contemplating my budget if I'm capable of doing this financially.
Other than the house at this point, I'll be debt free (truck and motorcycles paid off).
I would say, just get started. Things change, you may win lotto. I started on the Emp, then got the wings and fuse. Im now working on the fwf stuff. I didnt have all the $$$ up front, but I found I had the money when I needed more parts. Its been 5 - 6 years so far, maybe another 2 till I am done.
Thanks, I did that a while ago, and am between high 30s to mid 50s for the configuration I want.
If I look at the $ I spend in my racing endeavors (motocross) I'm sure I could free up a few more bucks here and there!