
Well Known Member
So whats next ?????????

So here is the deal. DAR on my right AND FAA on my left. I got double the inspection. :eek: WELL....in fact my DAR, Gary Goodman, had his annual inspection as a DAR by one of SLC FISDO Inspectors, Brent Robinson.

No squacks, but some suggestions. Gary is a multiple experimental aircraft builder and is the Aircraft Quality Specialist at SKYWEST. I really appreciate him and his knowledge base.

So again whats next.....did somebody say put it together and go fly......
Stay tuned.

Frank @ 1L8 ...RV7A... DAR complete!!!!!!
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Way to Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


What is with the slackers in the background-----they should be getting the champagne opened.
So whats next ?????????

So here is the deal. DAR on my right AND FAA on my left. I got double the inspection. :eek: WELL....in fact my DAR, Gary Goodman, had his annual inspection as a DAR by one of SLC FISDO Inspectors, Brent Robinson.

We done.........I hope you got the FAA to go ahead with your paperwork on the repairman's certificate!!!!! I had both and got the certificate in just a few weeks afterwards.... Couldn't have been easier althought it was a bit nerve racking to have both there at inspection time.
We done.........I hope you got the FAA to go ahead with your paperwork on the repairman's certificate!!!!! I had both and got the certificate in just a few weeks afterwards.... Couldn't have been easier althought it was a bit nerve racking to have both there at inspection time.
I got my pink slip for N14SE yesterday also. I had two inspectors from the Indianapolis FSDO office come down and do the inspection. When I sent in my original paperwork they asked me about the repairman's certificate because I hadn't included the application. My inspector filled out the paperwork for me and the certificate was issued at the same time as my Airworthiness Certificate. I didn't include the application because I had heard about everyone having to do that after the Airworthiness inspection. So if anyone is having a FSDO inspection ask about getting the repairman's certificate at the same time.

Mine wouldn't issue the airworthiness certificate until the plane was put back together and was truly in an airworthy state. Took a little longer but made for good pictures :)

Congratulations, yesterday was truly a great day for all.
I went through the same process. The FAA guy and the DAR. The DAR inspected me, the FAA guy inspected the DAR. We had a good time and had a few laughs, if you can believe that one. Great guys. The FAA guy said I would be two days putting the plane together, took me about 4 hrs.

congrates on the plane, yes it's a plane now.

I flew mine 3 times a day up to 6 hrs total each day. I now am doing pretty close to the same, but not so long on the hrs. My baby has close to 60hrs and that's been since may24th. Sure is fun. I have been finding it hard to get those pants on. I'm down to the wheels on the mains, just rather fly.

have fun.
Disassembly for inspection

What did you have disassembled for the inspection? Were the root fairings off and the baggage compartment bulkheads removed? How about the access for controls under the seat bottoms?
What did you have disassembled for the inspection? Were the root fairings off and the baggage compartment bulkheads removed? How about the access for controls under the seat bottoms?

I had the FSDO (not a DAR) inspect my plane, they said they wanted all that open.

Btw: The Oakland FSDO was awesome - the fellow they sent out actually looked at things and was really into homebuilts, about a month later his manager called me to check in and see how things were going and if I had any feedback on how the process could work better.

I said, "nope - it was great. Do you always check up like this?" He said, "usually - just for customer feedback." I can't say enough good things about these folks.

What is with the slackers in the background-----they should be getting the champagne opened.

Mike great observation. The fellow on the right is a retired United AP Don F. who gave me all he had in the way of knowledge, time, and effort. But Ya where was the bubbely!!!!!!!! Oh I forgot I don't drink anything stronger than soda pop.............


"I hope you got the FAA to go ahead with your paperwork on the repairman's certificate!!!!!" [/QUOTE]

Congrats on the pink slip. Does this mean we have the same birthday!!!!!!!!

For once I did think ahead and got this checked off by the FAA inspector.


"What did you have disassembled for the inspection? Were the root fairings off and the baggage compartment bulkheads removed? How about the access for controls under the seat bottoms?" [/QUOTE]

I had all access plates/panels off for the inspection.

I believe my inspection was easily done By Gary (DAR) because he has watched my progress from the beginning of the project (Sept 14, 2004). BUT, he really gave it a good going over. We belong to the same EAA Chapter (936).

I started putting it all back together this AM. Hope to get it in the air this next week!!!!!!!!!:)

Frank @ 1L8 ....RV7A... DONE except for the big GRIN!!!!!:D
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