
Well Known Member
My installer has once again pushed my G3x install, this time all the way to October. I'll be waiting 18 months at this point.

All of my order is there, just waiting on the shop time to install. Just curious if anyone has heard of what's next in the Garmin Experimental line, and if there's a time frame. If the next gen comes out before my install, I'm going to change the whole order.

Right now doing the full IFR in my 8: G3x 10", 355 com/nav, remote radio, etc.

No interest in Dynon or any of the other systems, already purchased all the Garmin stuff.
I don't have a clue but the G3X Touch is getting a bit long in the tooth. When it came out, it had tons of overhead built into the design but it seems that like always, that overhead has been eaten away at by new features.

I would expect it won't be long till we see a G3X Touch Xi or similar show up. Hopefully these will be plug and play compatible with the original systems so that my RV-12IS can take advantage of whatever may come.

Garmin has always been pretty quiet about their new products prior to release. I doubt anyone with any real knowledge will be spilling the beans due to confidentiality agreements and the like. The Garmin Ambassador's sure are not gonna risk what they have going on by sharing too much.
I'd bet more than a dollar that whatever is next for the G3X (I'm going to guess G3Xi) will be plug-and-play compatible with the current G3X.

I think Garmin learned a somewhat painful lesson with the GNS430/530 and lost a lot of business (and goodwill) to Avidyne.