
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Avery knows!

My trusty Pneumatic Squeezer has been working hard now for over ten years and two airplanes (not to mention little projects along the way, so when it started getting a little finicky as we are working on yet another airframe, I decided it was time to send it "home" for a little R&R. Bob Avery is the Master, no doubt about it. I told him that I was having trouble "teasing" the trigger - it wanted to slam out late in the trigger pull - and his answer was to send it in for a look. He sent me this picture yesterday to show me what "taking a look" entails....


Today he sent me another picture of all the parts cleaned up, and said it is on its way home with new seals - and good to go for a couple more airframes.

It is hard not to deal with Bob when it comes to service like this!

Paul has been overhauled. Nice to know a few seals or Orings can fix you up for years to come. Probably not made in China or Mexico. :)
Related but similar topic, what are folks using to oil their squeezer? I seem to recall not using the standard pneumatic oil?
Related but similar topic, what are folks using to oil their squeezer? I seem to recall not using the standard pneumatic oil?

I've never heard of that (which doesn't mean much). I have a standard inline oiler for all my tools, with the exception of the paint gun line.
Related but similar topic, what are folks using to oil their squeezer? I seem to recall not using the standard pneumatic oil?

My squeezer - ordered through Cleaveland - had specific warnings about not oiling the tool. Some grease was supplied to apply to the ram, but that is all I do. Every now and then I notice the feathering action is a bit 'herky jerky' - similar to what Paul described. A little grease on the ram, and it feathers nicely once again. In almost a year of use I think I've reapplied grease only once, so, at least in my case, this isn't an often-needed service.
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Ya Bob's awesome. I called him a few months ago when my pneumatic cleco gun was acting up. He said I could either send it in or he could walk me through the steps over the phone on how to fix it. Thirty minutes later I had her running like a champ again.
This makes me want to go wear mine out just so Bob can fix it! Look at that big leather cup for the main plunger. Nothing better (in many applications) than a leather plunger cup. Funny, in a modern age of synthetics, and man made materials.

Nice picture, Paul, it removes some of the mystery of the inner workings of a commonly used tool.
Overhaul kit

Hi folks,
Does anyone know if an overhaul kit can be bought for one of these machines? I can't find anything here in Australia and would prefer not to ship it back to USA for overhaul.
I think a set of seals would freshen up my squeezer.
