
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
Inverted in the middle of a slow roll at 10,000?, I looked at the EFIS and saw the magic event. In the blink of an eye, three digits (plus a decimal) became four digits (plus a decimal), and the Valkyrie had 1,000 hours on her airframe ? just like that! Now I?ll be the first to admit that 1.2 of those hours were accumulated during engine ground runs before the first flight?.and Danny King put 1.6 hours on during a ferry flight. But other than those two exceptions, it?s been just me and the Val in a week short of four years, clocking up time to the magic (first) Thousand.

But the story is more than just a number. It?s countless flights of twenty or thirty minutes in the local area, flying for the sheer fun of being free in three dimensions. It?s four years of travel ? coast to coast, northern border to southern border. The Val has been over the Pacific and the Atlantic in the same week, touched Canada and Mexico in short order a little while later. Oshkosh a couple times, home to Minnesota a bunch, and out to the mountains of Southern California quite a few times. The nation's capital, the southeast - we've been around....

In those four years, we?ve built a new life with Louise and her RV-6 ? a meeting brought about by the RV Life. We?ve settled in to airpark living, and enjoyed the camaraderie of like-minded aviators. But most of all, we?ve flown ? 250 hours per year, reliably, safely, and with total freedom to go where we want.

A thousand hours ? time for a little extra maintenance I suppose, then on to more adventures in the wide open sky!

Welcome to the 1000+ hour club

Paul, you will lap me in about 9 months by my estimate...

I wonder how many RV's have over 1000 hours?
We're halfway there!

....with 500 hours on the clock, 70+ transition trained students and many one day, two-day trips with Jenny.....the fiance then, who said a beautiful safety prayer for my first flight in November Mrs. Smith:)

Blue skies and tailwinds, Paul.
1,000 hours TT is a big milestone. Congrats Paul.

I wonder where the next 1,000 hours will take you? :confused:
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Huge Milestone

It's good to be reminded now and then of the extraordinary fraternity (yes ... and sorority!) we belong to. Your post ... as always .... does that in a wonderfully heartfelt way. A few months back I passed the milestone of 1000 hrs of build time. With your post, I now have another 1000 hr celebration to look forward to! :D:D
nice work.......

paul, nice way to 'roll' over 1,000 hrs. she has paid for herself by this point. enjoy, turbo. stop by in south florida some time.
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What's in a NAME?

VAFers named Paul sure seem to fly a lot!:cool: (I think Rosie's gonna wear out his 6A before HE wears out;) )

I'm thinking about changing my name...
Congratulations Paul.
That's a big milestone.
250 hours? That's almost 5 hours per week for 4 years.
That's a lot of fun flying.:)