
Well Known Member
It's 3:51AM, can't sleep and I was thinking - "Wonder how people named their planes?"

It's ironic that objects of our affection take on names. When we tell our son to get the Strike King, he knows you mean your favorite fishing pole. Judge Smells talking to Billy Barroo trying to make a putt, going for a ride in Beautiful Doll, Black Magic gets a black eye, etc.... I know for sure that some of us have called our RV the other woman (or man).

So, first question - What and why did you name your plane?

Second - My wife and I started a new company. We are putting out a product for first aid for the treatment of jellyfish stings and the first bottle rolls off production tomorrow (now you know why I can't sleep). It's called Stingmate and the website is www.stingmate.com if you're curious. (I might as well ask for a shameless plug - would you please help us out by emailing your friends to get the word out?) Let me tell you folks, my wife has been working on this for the last year as hard as I've been working to finish the RV and this has allowed me to work on my RV and maintain our marital bliss. She's also the greatest!!

I'm thinking about naming my RV7A "Stingmate" or "Sting". No name has reached out and wrapped it's arms around me. I'm leaning towards Stingmate and putting the logo of the jellyfish with lightening bolt tentacles on the tail.

So - Thumbs up or down for Stingmate, or other suggestions?
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"Sting" is a great name for a couple of reasons. You have tied your business venture into the name and also used the name of Frodo's sword in "Lord of the Rings". You could do a sword/shield vs. jellyfish graphic on the tail.
3 years ago

I like "Sting", for all the reasons above!

Here are a bunch of stories about what people have called their RV's - and why....



Thanks Paul - I saw those from 3 years ago and was thinking that at the rate of a new RV about every 3 days, there has to be some truly funny/interesting names and time for an update. Goodness knows I've named mine a four letter word at time and managed to string them all those words together in one sentence - Jeff Foxworthy style.

So far I have 2 votes for "Sting".
Plane name

I've decided to call it what it is. I am using my father's favorite saying when we were building our -3 (also named Aluminum Mistress). I am naming my -4 "some assembly required":D

Mike Bauer
RV-3 N87LB flying
RV-4 N742MC building
You made me laugh

I've decided to call it what it is. I am using my father's favorite saying when we were building our -3 (also named Aluminum Mistress). I am naming my -4 "some assembly required":D

Mike Bauer
RV-3 N87LB flying
RV-4 N742MC building

I'm howling. My building partner who died of cancer 2 months ago (and yes I cried) used to say "some assembly required...mummble mummble....AND REMOVE". He would have voted for "remove". The other would have been "monkey fingers" because he was the one holding the bucking bar in the tight spots under the wing skins.:D
Casey, a daughter....

that we did not have. Had a name ready but never used it until now. We decided to stop at three sons - that's enough.
Concession to Bride!

I vote for Sting!

When I was visiting with the better half, we decided the plane needed a name. Since I am not good at that stuff, I told her to come up with a name. She chose TUT (The Ultimate Toy). She does love to fly and travel in the plane. I refer to her as my American Express Card. I can't leave home without her. I count myself very fortunate.

We have had a lot of fun with it, and all the ladies at the fly-ins really seem to get a kick out of it.

Call it STING. But we want to see a final picture of the tail art when you are done.

I feel functionally illilerate when it comes to putting images up here. Can you help me out please. Go to my website www.stingmate.com last page and copy the red and black jellyfish so it can get pasted here. That's the logo I would use. One of these days, I'm going to learn how to post pictures on here. Have some nice shots and want to share.

To tell the truth, Sting is growing on me.

Captain Stingbad

Go to my website www.stingmate.com last page and copy the red and black jellyfish so it can get pasted here.

Is this the pic?


or this?


Looks like we'll have to call you Captain Stingbad! :D

By the way, does your product work on stingray hits? Got shwacked by one surfing a while back, and it took over an hour with my foot in hot, hot water before it stopped screamin' at me! Looks like neat stuff.

I also like "Sting". Good airplane...and pilot...call sign!! :)


Bob Mills
RV-6, "Rocket Six"
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Call me Captain Stingbad

I was going for the plain jelly fish, but as I look at Captain Stingbad, I think I might go for that graphic. We did him for the kids. Leave off the corny expressions but keep the Captain. You're looking at a years worth of work in my wife's part. If you look at the photo album, one of those arms is my wife's with a 10 inch jelly on top testing out the product. When they tested it - 2 hours later everyone was impressed with how well it worked (no redness, blisters, pain, etc...).

Wish us luck - If we do well, then we get to fly up and down the coast on business. Gee - wouldn't that be a shame to HAVE to fly. You don't suppose I would have to check out those adjacent golf course while I'm there.

No - Stingrays cause damage with their barbs. Jelly's have stinging cells called nematocysts that discharge the equivalent of tiny harpoons to deliver their toxin. Vinegar is the gold standard and what we did was to turn it into a gel which doesn't run off like vinegar does and add menthol to cool the sting. The gel also allows you to scrape off any tenticales/stinging cells left on the skin. You need to keep it in your dive or beach bag and use immediately if you get nailed by one. Nobody wants to carry a gallon of vinegar to the beach beacuse of weight and our 4oz bottle goes a very long way. The earlier you apply first aid, the less tissue damage.

If you're wondering, I'm a pharmacist. For those that are at the beach and get stung and have nothing with them - Get back in the sea and rinse off area but don't rub it. You can also use urine but it's not as good as salt water. Do not use rinse in fresh water. If you do, any stinging cells on the skin will discharge and that is bad news. You can treat the discomfort later with diphenhydramine or hydrocortisone cream.

Yours Truly,
Capt Stingbad, Commander and Chief of Sting.

BTW - Thank you so much for pasting that. I tried but didn't have results.
CAPT Stingbad,

Roger all on the product...thanks for the explanation! Looks like a good add to the beach bag, for sure! Best of luck in the new biz (and the search for nearby golf courses while on business trips!) :)

The pirate logo is cool (there's a bit of a pirate in each of us, eh!). Add a VAF logo to his hat's red cross, and I bet ya get a big smile out of DR! ;)


(OK, I'm goofing around, waiting for the kids to get up so we can head to the airport and continue the panel upgrade...today's project, removing an antenna and adding sound deadening paint to the floorboards...wait, that's not even close to the panel...Paul D. was right, this job is ever-expanding...but fun!)

All the best!
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Logo on Hat

Bob - Sweeeetttttt ideal - put the VAF on the Captain's hat.... ARRRGGGG

why did you name your plane....?

it sets you /me off from the masses............. a personal attachment to the plane,,,,,,,,,,,my friends say, are you taking "Shooter", or "Borrowed Horse" they know the difference, in airplanes. They also know how long I will be in the air............
Know your plane's name, not yours.

why did you name your plane....?

it sets you /me off from the masses............. a personal attachment to the plane,,,,,,,,,,,my friends say, are you taking "Shooter", or "Borrowed Horse" they know the difference, in airplanes. They also know how long I will be in the air............

You are so correct. The only name I could connect to a plane is Dana with Black Magic from all the posts, but I remember Beatiful Doll, Borrowed Horse, Flash, and a few others.

When I get meet these guys at SNF, I'm sure I'll have a blank look on my face until they introduce themselves by their plane's name.......I just made myself chuckle.......Hi, I'm Beautiful Doll - Yeah, and I'm Marilyn Monroe....
CAPT Stingbad,

Roger all on the product...thanks for the explanation! Looks like a good add to the beach bag, for sure! Best of luck in the new biz (and the search for nearby golf courses while on business trips!) :)

The pirate logo is cool (there's a bit of a pirate in each of us, eh!). Add a VAF logo to his hat's red cross, and I bet ya get a big smile out of DR! ;)


(OK, I'm goofing around, waiting for the kids to get up so we can head to the airport and continue the panel upgrade...today's project, removing an antenna and adding sound deadening paint to the floorboards...wait, that's not even close to the panel...Paul D. was right, this job is ever-expanding...but fun!)

All the best!
Shouldn't one of those "legs" be "pegged"?
Shouldn't one of those "legs" be "pegged"?

Mel - Too funny and I totally agree with you. I'm even going to contact our graphic artist to add one on him for the website.

Let's see, the plane's name is "Sting", Cpt Stingbad is on the tail, am I missing anything? Oh - and he has a VAF on his hat in place of a parrot.
Captain Stingbad hits the Avatar

Shouldn't one of those "legs" be "pegged"?

Mel - I moved forward a bit on Cpt Stingbad. He's now my avatar. Still working on learning how to post a picture.

Hats off to Mike Stewart for helping me post a link to the electrical diagram schematic I wrote on Excel which is shown in a pdf file. Many request for the spreadsheet so others can adjust for their own use. Since you are doing a panel upgrade - you might even find useful.

Arrrggggg Matey