
Well Known Member
I needed a new intake tube for my Barrett IO-540 so I called 2 weeks ago and spoke with Allen. He said he was going to ship me one. When it didn't arrive I called and spoke with Rhonda on Monday the 27th and she said she was going to overnite a new tube and I would have it Tuesday. I sent them $199 through Paypal. Now they don't answer the phone or email and I still don't have my parts. No tracking number either.

I know that Monte passed away last month, but it's unlike them to be unresponsive. Anyone have info?


Update: I was able to speak with Rhonda this morning and she apologized profusely for not getting to my shipment due to being overwhelmed with work. She offered to refund the overnite fee which of course I refused, but she promised she would get my parts out. Thanks Rhonda!
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