
Well Known Member
Guys i haven't been able to find the answer i'm looking for so i'll just ask. What seems to be the round about usefull load on a rv-8
after fuel? i know that avionics engine options blah blah blah effect this but any answers will give me more then what i have now!
Check Vans website

All the info you need is here: http://www.vansaircraft.com/public/models.htm

Of course to answer your question it depends on empty weight of aircraft and fuel. Go to Vans web site & look up the empty weight (recommend or estimated) and gross weight limit. Just subtract the two. Than subtract fuel capacity x 6 lb/gal for full fuel payload. Fuel capacity is also noted on Vans website. Here are some ball park real world estimates, using actual average empty weights for builder competed RV's.

max gross - average builder empty weight* = Total pay load/fuel capacity

RV6...1600-1058=542 (609#)
RV6A.1600-1105=495 (589#)
RV7...1800-1073=727 (713#)
RV7A 1800-1092=708 (697#)
RV8...1800-1102=698 (707#)
RV8A 1800-1101=699 (707#)
RV9A 1750-1086=664 (699#)

* Empty Wt's are averages of completed RV's I recorded. There where 11-RV4's, 50-RV6's, 25-RV7's, 22-RV8's & 7-RV9A.
# Using Van's estimate, spec weights

The real world empty weights tend to be a little more than Van's estimate. The RV7/8's are close to Vans empty wt numbers. RV4/6's tend to exceed Vans estimate probably, in part due to the fact RV4/6's where intended for lighter engine/props than what was planned for the RV7/8's, which also have 200lb-300lb more gross weight capacity. Builders now tend to bigger and heavier engine/prop combs than the earlier builders did. For some reason the 22 RV6A's where real heavy. Subject to controversy and debate some RV'ers just raise their max gross wt. above what Van recommends. The better solution in my opinion is build it light.

You can build a light RV, and many builders actually report a lower empty weight than what Van estimates. However builders being goodie junkies there are also a few that come in real fat. LESSON - BUILD IT LIGHT
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Am i correct in the assumtion that the max baggage is 50 pounds. So in essence if my usefull load after fuel was 500 lbs. 300 pounds total for both front and rear passengers. even though i can carry 150 more pounds safely you can't do it right?
50lbs is the front baggage compartment limit. But theres an additional 75lbs allowed in the rear compartment, so long as you are within overall W&B limits.

Really quite difficult to overload.
ya thats what i figured. I just wanted to make sure that if i took me and a buddy and some camping gear to air venture we'd be ok. And i think that should be plenty fine. Especially when i put the 390 in mine