Perfect weather to play off shore. Found an abandoned boat.

Checked our taxes at work.

Then went food shopping. All regular stuff nothing to brag about :)

Changed the oil

Put the wheel pants back on since they finally got the main runway finished and we don't have to land on dirt anymore. Flew in the pattern. Not very exciting, but KFLY is back in business!
I made a quick out and back to KPIA to pick up an RV buddy after an OT shift on Friday. Rides above FL190 were pretty terrible in the area. I was at 15,500 and passed this SWA over the Mississippi cruising at 16,000.


KPIA where I had an amazing wheel landing.


We had a great sunset to watch on the way home followed by another awesome greaser at home, I even have a witness.

On Saturday I was persuaded to head down to Pine Bluff for the BullDog Formation clinic despite the less than desirable weather. Man I'm glad I went.

I brushed up on my FFI knowledge on the way down, about an hour of actual and the GPS18 circle to 36 was easily doable with the 800 OVC.




We were able to get plenty of ground school in and the weather lifted enough for this "Red Scary" to make his first training flight on Saturday evening. Lots of learning, good food and company to finish off Saturday and one more training flight on Sunday before I had to head home for work. Thanks to everyone who made this clinic happen, I can't wait to do another!




Not real exciting but helped 41 scouts earn their aviation merit badges! My 7a was used to teach pre flights and other lessons about aviation safety. Actually had a lot of fun interacting with these young adults, many who seemed very interested in aviation careers.
Flytoday - each day, Sat & Sun

Finished two week trip, by WN, to LAX late Friday, so flew the -6A around SE Houston on Sat and Sun afternoons. Following frontal passage on Friday the visibility was outstanding and the temps cooled nicely. Spotted my Lone Star Squadron friends, 3-ship, returning Sunday from the Reklaw fly-in, and felt the need to follow and fly-by to salute their return home.

Saturday, final to Runway 35 at KLBX

Flew from Carlsbad, CA down to Brown Field to pick up something. Transited the San Diego VFR corridor, which even with me being used to an airplane going Mach .80, still was a busy few minutes. It was my first time through..

Left Brown Field and decided to head over to Montgomery Field to pick up a new fuel strainer and some lunch. Back through the VFR corridor again, this time on a trip only 19 NM long. The corridor drops you off about 3,000? high on a left downwind for the 28?s into MYF. Fortunately with some advanced planning, the RV does just fine doing a fast descent.

After leaving Montgomery Field, it was back to Carlsbad via the coast.

Great way to spend a bit of time. Really love the RV...
New Kent (W96) Roar and Soar

I helped park planes at the annual New Kent International Aerodrome (W96) "Roar and Soar" car and airplane extravaganza. There was no airshow, but Laser pilot Mark Buow shot some video of his arrival and departure (warning: the background music is.... interesting).

I met some fellow RVers (at least 5 were on hand) and generally had a great time.

As always, 9JA was open for business for anyone who wanted to sit in it and make airplane noises:
In a word: Durango

Yup, up to CO and back, the flying collection of spare RV projects parts brought together by Divine intervention I call ?The RVX? once again delivered. 1500 miles of gorgeous US ofA drifted beneath the wings and my salvaged 0360J2A was flawless.

All of NM passed under the wings in less than 2hrs....
Friday was a combination IPC/flight review. Needed the first but the second was only a sign off, so why not.

Saturday, took a sweet young thing student pilot up for an RV flight. She had 50+ hours at a big name airline prep school without soloing, then went to a mom and pop school and soloed in three hours more. There's a lesson there... Her total time is still in the 50s.

Took off IFR to VFR on top, did some exercises, then an IFR descent (her first actual IMC, hand flown), did some stuff under a 2100 foot ceiling, came back in, debriefed the flight at the local burger joint. She did well on the non-traditional exercises, but some things I had her attempt were beyond her current experience level.

Today, got all the logbook endorsements caught up, mostly. Made IPC/FR stickers for the pilot logbook that have all my information so all that's required in the future is the CFII's signature, number, expiration date, and date.
installed new aero classic tires friday (okay I did none of the work, but I learned how to do it) on the RV6, flew to Allendale for cheap fuel :cool:, Then I practiced take offs and landings on Sunday at various airports in the area, not too bad, still need to work on wheel landings a bit.
Flew a nice counterclockwise circuit around Marin and Sonoma counties. Thanks to my shiny, new ADS-B out transponder, I can now look up my flight tracks on FlightAware:

Flew a nice counterclockwise circuit around Marin and Sonoma counties. Thanks to my shiny, new ADS-B out transponder, I can now look up my flight tracks on FlightAware:


Wow, saw you fly by. I was on my deck, in Muir Beach, and thought, "another RV, out for a spin!"