Put-In-Bay Ohio

yes, Ohio has an island. very good weather. 55 minutes North Northeast of Cincy by RV.





if I park with the center line directly under the copilot, the pilot side tie down rope clears the pitot mast and no chance for entanglement.

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Unfortunately I do not know how to post pics. But if I did I would show you my flight to see Vic Syracuse at KFFC. In the air at 8 AM. What a perfect day to fly. Got cleared to fly right over KATL at 6,000 watching the big boys landing under me.
A perfect landing. Didn?t even feel the mains touch. Got that grin.
After Vic finished swapping some wires for me I pushed my 9 out on to the ramp. Had to file by phone because ForeFlight was having problems. While on the phone filing had to tell the briefer to stand by while an F4U Corsair took off. Another awesome moment.
Then another beautiful flight back to 1A3. Perfect weather. Perfect flights. And I have the pictures to prove it. Haha
Flew to Kansas City

Flew out from Colorado Springs to KC on Friday. I had a great time with my friends on Friday and Saturday. Flew back Sunday. Strong headwinds the entire way combined with mist in the morning made for a long flight back. All in all a great trip. Another friend of mine drove from Denver to the same get-together. 10 hours one way. Much better in the RV, even with the wind!
Big South Fork Airpark

Took a young man that rents from me on his first GA experience. We flew over to Big South Fork Airpark in the hills of TN for a Seafood boil.

Beautiful fly-in community with awesome residents. Just outside the gates of a 5500ft, paved, lit runway with 3 approaches. Super nice. There are RV's on th field. If you have not been, it is worth checking out.

I think I may have lit flame for this young man to learn to fly. He seemed to really enjoy himself. He got quite the experience for a first time out. I let him hand fly most of the way there and we were in IMC the whole way home and had to shoot an approach.

Love my little airplane and what it can do :)


Got the elevators and trim tab painted. This was harder than expected due to a few spots of odd spiderweb-like sharp-edged ridges that popped up in the primer that went unnoticed until I shot the first color coats. I suspect some contamination either below the wash primer; some consultation with Sherwin-Williams is in order as I definitely don't want that happening again. Got them sanded down, reshot the color and then the clear coat. Now I can break down the booth and get the fuselage, with the very expensive engine and avionics, back over to the heated shop for the winter.
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Nothing RV for me this weekend, well sort of. I just wanted to follow up on my post from last weekend regarding the Bear Creek Bash, Mark Fullerton Memorial Contest in Rome GA this past weekend.

Bill McLean came up in his RV-4 from southern Alabama to support the contest and hang out with his acro buddies and Ron Schreck came in his beautiful RV-8 from the Charlotte area to compete with me and others in Intermediate.

Like I said last week, I got to fly a gorgeous Extra 330LX that my friend Shaun let me fly. I?m a changed man! I need an Extra. I?ve been looking for a potential partner in the S. Atlanta metro area, but so far I haven?t had much luck. Please let me know if you know of anyone that might be interested.

Ron did a great job, finishing 3rd out of 6. I finished dead last, but not by much! I didn?t expect to do well since I haven?t competed since April or done any real practice. Plus I had a grand total of four flights in the Extra prior to the contest. The Extra is a different animal and it?s going to take some getting used to. It was a great opportunity to compete in the Extra and that?s really what it was about for me regarding this contest.

And as always, it is more about seeing and having fun with friends. I?m going to paraphrase, but Mark used to say, ?If you?re here for the trophy, you?re doing it wrong. It?s about the people and the relationships you forge.? If it hadn?t been for the RV and for friends like Ron, I may not have ever gotten involved in this wonderful sport and gotten to fly an airplane like the Extra. Thank you Shaun. Thank you Ron.

I hope to add a few pictures soon.
I got to take my daughter for her first GA flight and her first flight in the RV. She was also my first passenger. We did a breakfast run about 25min away, but ended up taking the long way since she was having fun. She really enjoyed steep turns and other mild maneuvers.



I got to take my daughter for her first GA flight and her first flight in the RV. She was also my first passenger. We did a breakfast run about 25min away, but ended up taking the long way since she was having fun. She really enjoyed steep turns and other mild maneuvers.

Colin, I've followed your build for the last year and a half (since acquiring my own 6 Project), often referencing your build log and good photos when I reach a point I'm unsure of. It is very encouraging to see you now flying and enjoying your 6... Congrats on the completion of Phase 1!
WingsOnWheels pictures

Colin, great pictures!

Regards from west side of DFW - hope you didn't got any tornado damages.
Colin that's just awesome - nothing better than a smiling kid after a ride. My little boy Collin thinks that's just about the best part of any weekend.

Nothing RV for me this weekend, well sort of. I just wanted to follow up on my post from last weekend regarding the Bear Creek Bash, Mark Fullerton Memorial Contest in Rome GA this past weekend.

Bill McLean came up in his RV-4 from southern Alabama to support the contest and hang out with his acro buddies and Ron Schreck came in his beautiful RV-8 from the Charlotte area to compete with me and others in Intermediate.

Like I said last week, I got to fly a gorgeous Extra 330LX that my friend Shaun let me fly. I?m a changed man! I need an Extra. I?ve been looking for a potential partner in the S. Atlanta metro area, but so far I haven?t had much luck. Please let me know if you know of anyone that might be interested.

Ron did a great job, finishing 3rd out of 6. I finished dead last, but not by much! I didn?t expect to do well since I haven?t competed since April or done any real practice. Plus I had a grand total of four flights in the Extra prior to the contest. The Extra is a different animal and it?s going to take some getting used to. It was a great opportunity to compete in the Extra and that?s really what it was about for me regarding this contest.

And as always, it is more about seeing and having fun with friends. I?m going to paraphrase, but Mark used to say, ?If you?re here for the trophy, you?re doing it wrong. It?s about the people and the relationships you forge.? If it hadn?t been for the RV and for friends like Ron, I may not have ever gotten involved in this wonderful sport and gotten to fly an airplane like the Extra. Thank you Shaun. Thank you Ron.

I hope to add a few pictures soon.

Here?s a couple of pictures of Ron with his well earned bling from the contest (pictured in the gray shirt):



He did some really beautiful flying! We only got two flights in, the Known and the Free programs due to weather cutting the contest short. It?s too bad because the Unknown program is a hoot. It?ll make you or break you!

Ron came in 3rd overall out of 6 with a 76.16% beating out two Extras and a Pitts. His individual flights were 3rd and 4th for the Known and Free programs respectively. He earned a 3rd place medal for the Known and a 3rd place medal for the overall standing.

Ron will be updating the RV series leader board soon. He was the only RV competing in this contest. Come and join us next time!
My mother lives in the Harrisburg PA area, and I live in south Alabama. As the years go by, "Mom Runs" have become more frequent, and I am very, very glad to have the RV-8.

This weekend was no different. Left Sunday afternoon, heading north through TN and KY, then along the OH-WV line into PA south of Pittsburgh, all to avoid the mess churning up the Atlantic coast. Got as far as Somerset PA and called it quits. The wind turbines on the ridges to the east were sticking up out of the clouds, a sure sign that ducking under the overcast is not an option. Did an overnight to let the weather pass, then a quick morning run into Harrisburg in plenty of time to get Mom to her first appointment.

Returned home today, 3:57 nonstop into a headwind...the usual route past Camp David, then SW down the Appalachians, clip the NW edge of the Atlanta B, then home. The RV-8 knows that one like an old horse heading for the barn.

KCXY's hangar is one of my favorite buildings. I just love old art deco hangars...and as a 5th grader, I remember standing at the fence watching my dad do T&G's in a then almost new C-152. If you're in the area (and you're a gearhead), stop and check out the hangar door. It's a one-piece panel with massive cable counterweights hanging in their own galleries.


BTW, a shout out...I've always gotten great service from Skyport at KCXY. Nice people!

Love this 1944 photo hanging in their lobby. The hangar appears to be painted in camo...you know, just in case the Nazis developed an aircraft carrier and sailed up the Susquehanna ;)

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I love the airport history information. Skyvector shows CXY opened to the public Aug 1938. It was the original Harrisburg Airline Airport.
Evelyn Sharp was a WWII WASP pilot. She was killed at CXY Apr 3, 1944. Lockheed P38, engine failure on takeoff. Too low to do much about it. The airplane came to rest upright and mostly intact but the impact was not survivable. She was ferrying the P38 from CA to Newark where it was to be shipped to England.
On a similar subject I have a mid 1920's photo of the Airmail hangar at Hadley Airport in NJ. Hadley was the eastern terminus of the original airmail route.
The original Wilkes Barre Airport is older than CXY. Closed long ago but the last time I checked the runways were still there.
I landed at least once at the original Bradford Airport. Original home of Taylor Aircraft before the name was changed to Piper.
N122EF Weekend Skydiving trip

Our weekend was a bit of breeze! My wife had a few lectures/presentations to give in Southern California/San Fran and I had opted to stay home and told her to fly commercial. Well of course distractions happen and I received a phone call asking to bring some items down. I looked at the weather and called my hanger partner/Skydive DZ owner and he was game.
We met at the hanger in Prosser Wa (S40) at 3am, fueled up, filed flight plan and off we went. 3 hours to Sacramento (KMCC) all mostly VFR at night, and landed as the sun was starting to rise. The CA fires made for a beautiful Sunrise. Refueled and off we go to Riverside (KRAL) which was a very smooth ride until we descended down into the Ontario basin and hit some pretty moderate turbulence. All things aside another uneventful leg. Dropped off the items my wife wanted, grabbed some breakfast sandwiches and then planned the next leg.
Originally we were wanting to fly in to Perris Valley and make a couple skydives there from the big planes, but the weather gods frowned on that and after talking with the DZ decided to head to Mesquite NV (67L) where a friend of ours is a Tandem instructor and surprise him. That took us over Las Vegas at 12.5k and on flight following got to hear all the Commercial planes being held below 10K for the RV 7 flying VFR over the Class Bravo! Wahoo! We landed and were able to jump on the last load of the day for fun jumpers and pulled off a couple three-way points (started as a 6way). Got a room at the local casino and gorged ourself on the Buffett. Retired to the room and was out like a light by 7pm.
Saturday we woke up, grabbed some breakfast, played (and won) the slots and Blackjack for an hour, then headed back to the Dropzone/Airport in Mesquite where I made two jumps, and my passenger was hired for a Tandem jump while I preflighted the plane. We then were off on our way home but instead of flying direct we diverted over Zion and Bryce National Park, as well as a stop in Spanish Fork Utah to try to meet up with Mike Patney (DRACO/SCRAPPY). Unfortunately he was not there but we got to meet Ron (Mikes best friend and behind the scenes guy)who let us in the hanger to take a couple photos of the Wrecked DRACO. Sorry No photo's of SCRAPPY and we did not get to see how far along he was either. DANG IT got to keep watching You Tube for updates. Topped off the tanks again as we were going to have nearly a 30-40mph head wind to Gooding Idaho. We picked up Flight following in Provo, UT and was cleared through the SLC Class B at 8500. We landed with 30-40kt headwind in Gooding(KGNG), as the Storm clouds were passing just north and east. After leaving Gooding the sun was getting pretty low and we opted to climb over the clouds, putting us just below 12.5K, and OAT dropped to -14. In N122EF the heater can pretty much keep it warm enough for T-shirts and shorts to -2, but -14 was pretty chill. We each put on our jackets and I carry a lightweight sleeping bag on most trips that we were able to spread out over our laps and as soon as we could we descended back down to 8.5K arriving back in Prosser around 7pm last night.

pretty good for 1800mile trip in about 36 hours. Burned around 110gal of gas. and had pretty nice circle around the West! Hopefully the pics will come through!
