
Well Known Member
I didn't get to Oshkosh this year so I spent the time building. The final wing took a week. A week!


I'm 205 hours into the project and I've completed the tail, two wings and the lighting.

I think when I built the 7A it took me about 3 years to get to this point.

What I especially like about the RV-12 is that you don't need to sacrifice anything time-wise to end up with an airplane.

Why last night I even took my wife to see Steve Earle.


There are so many things to love about this kit, but so far, this has been the biggest revelation for me: It's way easier to keep family life together while building.
And since you haven't done the fuselage yet, when you get there you'll be exempt from bending the longerons and running all those individual wires, even is you opt for the carbureted engine.

Wow, you're that far along at 205 hours?? Thats impressive! Keep us updated on the build with pictures.
Hey, looks like you need to update your tag-line Bob - you're no longer "waiting for wings"!

I was tied down at SGS the other night, visiting a sister in St. Paul on the way back from OSH. I am afraid I finally had to give up on KANE after 45 years - Cirrus sold out as an affordable FBO, and the new "Lynx" place wanted 30 dollars for an overnight - and has no tie downs! SGS will be my future stopover in the Cities.
KSGS is a terrific airport and they've got a couple of young guys managing the place (the previous guy is under indictment for embezzling) and making all the right moves.

And they dropped the price of gas 20 cents last week because of Oshkosh, so they get it.

I'm about a 45 second walk from the terminal area so next time you're in, give a holler.