
Well Known Member
A friend of mine owns an FBO near my home. he recently took a 320 E2A off of a Cherokee running strong at 1600 hrs since factory overhaul. He offered to remove the accessory case and oil sump, install new gaskets, check out the mags and carb, paint it like new, and sell it to me for $5,500. I think this is a great deal. My only reservation is that it has the lower compression 150 HP cylinders on it and I'd prefer to have at least 160 HP for my RV-7. My options are to run it at 150 HP, Top end overhaul, or full overhaul. Seems like if I'm gonna be putting new jugs on it makes sense to do a complete overhaul. My pocketbook really likes the idea of having a good runner on my plane for 5.5K.

I know 90% of the responses are going to be to do the major on it...but 90% of you have more money than I do...:rolleyes:

So I guess my real question is between the top end or as is with 150 HP. Any opinions?
A deal like that (with your finances in mind) is easy. Take the deal, fly the plane until you need to / want to overhaul it. Then decide what you want to do. Until then keep your eyes open for a deal on new jugs.

Good luck with your decision.
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Assuming you are still building...

I would install the engine as cleaned up by your A&P, also build as LIGHT as you can. You can plan the upgrades after you are in the air. You may lose bragging rights on top speed, etc, but think of that big wad sitting on your hip! :D

Have fun,
Compression check

Have a compression check done, and review the logs for compression history, and any abnormalities. If they are all in the 70s and everything looks OK, go for it. Make sure there has been no prop strike, but it sounds like everything's probably OK. If compressions are low, you can still get it (maybe cheaper) and do a top or major OH. You might want to check the flange to make sure it's not bent.
If it's what you need, jump on it! 10HP... you're talking about 6%. I doubt you'd see the difference in performance, and you can save up for something bigger.
If I had come accross that deal I would have jumped on it. Hey it'll burn 87 oct auto fuel no problems at all.
A friend of mine owns an FBO near my home. he recently took a 320 E2A off of a Cherokee running strong at 1600 hrs since factory overhaul. He offered to remove the accessory case and oil sump, install new gaskets, check out the mags and carb, paint it like new, and sell it to me for $5,500. I think this is a great deal. My only reservation is that it has the lower compression 150 HP cylinders on it and I'd prefer to have at least 160 HP for my RV-7. My options are to run it at 150 HP, Top end overhaul, or full overhaul. Seems like if I'm gonna be putting new jugs on it makes sense to do a complete overhaul. My pocketbook really likes the idea of having a good runner on my plane for 5.5K.

I know 90% of the responses are going to be to do the major on it...but 90% of you have more money than I do...:rolleyes:

So I guess my real question is between the top end or as is with 150 HP. Any opinions?

Run it as is. Get the metal prop for a 150, then re-pitch it when you upgrade to 160 HP at overhaul.
I don't think you want to know what I would do

I don't think you want to know what I would do but whether it is a good idea or not. If I was desparate to get my plane flying and my funds were limited and I was not interested in speed I would consider it a good deal. I would wonder why he is pulling it off of a Cherokee 400 hours before TBO. Since he is a friend (I take that seriously) I would be inclined to take it and use it as is.

Bob Axsom
I'd buy it and fly that engine till it's time to overhaul it. At that time, I'd evaluate FF options. I like a trusted broken in engine for a first flight.

What airplane are you building?

If it is a -3, -4, or -9, go for it. A -6, -7 or -8 beg for a 180 hp engine. In fact, the selling price difference for a -6, -7, or -8 with an O-320 vs. O-360 is significant.

Still, in talking with a few respected members of this forum who have flown a number of different RV's have said that a light -8 with the O-320 is a delight to fly. Realizing you give up cruise and top speed with the smaller engine.
thanks for all the inputs. I think I'll go for it. i've passed up other "good deals" that would have cost me much more than this. I just got the finishing kit so it'll be a while before I'm flying. When the time comes...I'll be able to choose what exactly to do with the engine. I think it'll be a good value weather I overhaul, or fly it as is for the thrifty startup cost. It's not that I'm broke...but with 3 young kids and my wife back in grad school (again) I consider myself lucky...if not finish this airplane at all!
If you change your mind.....

....I can be there shortly. It may surprise you, but that engine could very easily have another 1000 hours left yet, at that price....a steal!
