lorne green

Well Known Member
The one thing I would have done differently, is when I recieved my kits (all at the same time) I should have parted out all the bags. Then labled them, placing them into individual bags/bins what have you. I am pullin' out what's left of my hair identifying parts and their corresponding part numbers. Oh that dredded learning curve!!:eek:
1. larger and more conducts from the front to back on the main hull.
2. sky bolts from the cowl ... no hinges
3. remote oil filter
4. make the landing and taxi wing light wires longer - way longer ... changing the light would be easier
5. use larger screws on the wing tips
6. don't paint the interior until almost done
7. use BOE lube on all screws from the start ... it really does help
Removable Step Installation

I would install the steps with flathead screws and platenuts instead of rivets. I intend to make this modification in the future but it is messy with possible paint damage, and a lot of rivet removal. Since I have to remove the baggage floor I think that should be installed with screws and platenuts as well.

Bob Axsom
Yup, unpacking the bags into bins would be a good one. Another would be to never, ever, buy someone else's previously started, ah, headache. Yeah, that's it. Very long story short, I ended up tossing virtually everything in trash that was previously done. Entire empennage ended up in the trash. Wings got de-skinned and re-riveted. Had to save the spars as they were matched to the fus; otherwise, I would have trashed the wings too. The parts looked OK when I bought the kit, but my standards changed as I went along. I started with the fuselage and after that was done, I looked at the previously built parts more critically than I did originally and found all kinds of problems...

Heinrich Gerhardt
RV-6, 100 hours on a now-awesome airplane!
Hey Bob, what about those steps

Bob, can you tell us why you would have preferred screws and nut plates for your step setup? Loosening rivets? Or the ability to remove the steps?
Strictly for removal capability

I would like the flexibility to remove the steps if I want to. I would do that for drag reduction and speed. For normal operations I would leave the steps in place. If you pop rivet the baggage floor in place and solid rivet the steps, it is a significant operation to remove them.

Bob Axsom
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I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of putting in removable steps (sorry, Bob, just had to say that!) That way I wouldn't have had to put in all those nutplates to make the baggage floor removable. I wouldn't have put in the Sony car radio (never use it) I would have used pulled rivets on the bottom of the HS like Van's plans said instead of going to all the trouble of using driven ones. I would use Skybolts on the top cowl. I would have riveted the emp tips on as per plans instead of using nutplates. I guess in most cases I would have gone strictly with the plans instead of "getting cute." Turned out to be a great airplane anyway, even with my innovations. Just took longer to build...

Bob Kelly