
Well Known Member
I hope to go to Oshkosh 2007. Will be camping. Just planning on what clothes and camping gear to take. As I live in Australia I would like some advise on what in general is the weather like that far north in late July/early August?
G'Day mate.

Temps are usually 70's - 95's F (21 - 33C). Shorts & lite jacket in the AM. Count on brief rains, thunderstorms, ect., front are usually moving fairly fast. Bring some long pants just in case a cold front comes though. Bring plenty of sunscreen & chapstick, drink lots of water.

and it's your shout at the pub.
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Sweat pants and sweatshirt for in the evenings. It can cool off pretty quick sometimes. We have a saying here in Wisconsin....If you don't like the weather, just wait a minute or two. It'll change.

Also plan on buying some mosquito repellant. It is our state bird you know.... ;)
rain, sun, humidity

rain, sun, humidity...sometimes LOTS of rain, LOTS of sun and, LOTS of humidity...sometimes all three together...but almost always warm and humid. with rain. One night I slept though a world class thunderstorm...the tent kept lighting up and we heard trees falling and things blowing around. I got up and all the tied down airplanes were shaking like a dog trying to pass a CD case...it was a pretty somber morning afterward. Makes for good memories...
Been there 8 of the last 9 years. ONE year there was ONE day that it was COLD and I had NOTHING long sleeve. I had to buy a sweat shirt to stay warm.

As others have said, bring a sweat shirt or jacket. If you do not, bring MONEY in case it is one of those rare years that it is too cool for short sleeves on one day.
All I can say is bring layers. 80% of the days it'll be dry and 80+ degrees. The other 20% it can be rainy and hot, rainy and cold, cold and windy, cold, windy, and wet, and/or any combination thereof.

In addition to my wardrobe of shorts and t-shirts, I carry a pair of jeans, a sweatshirt, a windbreaker, and a poncho.
And there's always at least one gully-washer of a storm...usually at night...lots of wind, lightning. tons of fun if you're in a tent.

A minor annoyance, I suppose, to those in the big campers with the satellite dishes.

If you're in Camp Scholler, a set of earplugs is good if you're out in the field. What IS it with the truckers who think it's fun to lay on the big air horn at 3 in the morning?

Also bring a flashlight for the midnight walk to the Porta Potty.
rjtjrt said:
I hope to go to Oshkosh 2007. Will be camping. Just planning on what clothes and camping gear to take. As I live in Australia I would like some advise on what in general is the weather like that far north in late July/early August?

As far as I know, it has not snowed during the gathering, but every other extreme can occur. It could be very wet, very dry, very hot, and with a little luck just right. :)
Yea Man, waking up at daylight, stepping out of the tent into the COOL morning air, Hitting your head on the wing (C-195), cussing loud enough to wake the neighbors 2 rows over, caring for your new wound, perking some coffee, watching the day come to life, don't get no better :)
I would just make one minor edit to David's reply:

As far as I know, it has not snowed during the gathering, but every other extreme can and will occur. It could be very wet, very dry, very hot, and with a little luck just right.
If you are there for the whole week it will be hot, and it will be cold, and there will be a thunderstorm (probably severe) in between. The thunderstorm is my fault. Pretty much everytime I've been camping since I was a little kid there's been a thunderstorm :) .
Allen Barrett said:
Yea Man, waking up at daylight, stepping out of the tent into the COOL morning air, Hitting your head on the wing (C-195), cussing loud enough to wake the neighbors 2 rows over, caring for your new wound, perking some coffee, watching the day come to life, don't get no better :)

Or waking up in the tent at 7:00 AM to the sound of airlplane engines and sticking your head out just in time to see a B-17 making a low pass over the camp with a P-51 tucked in on his wing......now that's heaven!!!