
fugio ergo sum
You youngsters may not realize how different it is now. It is real different!

During my build I was lucky enough to get in on some of the Matronics (Matt Dralle) list. Before that, if you didn't live in a population area you were on your own.

Today, I am continually astounded at the depth and breadth of talent and knowledge available on this website.

It doesn't matter too much what the topic is. You could ask a question about many topics and get a very good answer from experts on topics like:

Structural engineering
Aerodynamic engineering
Experimental avionics
Certified avionics
Traditional aircraft engines
Alternative engines
Test flying
WWII warbirds
Current warbirds
Airliners and airline operations
Airplane magazines
Spacecraft and NASA operations
RV building (from builders of multiple RVs)
Aerobatics (Although we know you don't learn that over the internet)
Weather and weather sites

and many others I can't think of at the moment.

More than once, I have made a casual post then have been contacted by the people in the know who know the people who can solve the problem, even to the point of having a company make an appointment to have a discussion with their engineers.

This is heady stuff, indeed for someone living out in the country and I am amazed.
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Yup - I have often said (somewhat tongue in cheek, but only a little) that I can't imagine how folks could complete homebuilts before the Internet. And frankly, a lot of people DIDN'T complete their homebuilts.....

With 11,000 people here on VAF, we have quite a cross-section of knowledge for the asking - very impressive.

One more skill...

The comedians help too, by keeping up morale ;):

This in a smart aleck answer to a technical quesiton:

I would tell you, but after Texas beat Nebraska last night I'm not gonna.

(Actually, I don't know either)
:rolleyes: Ok, here goes:
1: Find a cook
2: Order Fried Green Tomatoes

Oh, you wanted to make them yourself? What are you, a masochist?:p
Yup - I have often said (somewhat tongue in cheek, but only a little) that I can't imagine how folks could complete homebuilts before the Internet. And frankly, a lot of people DIDN'T complete their homebuilts.....


That would be an interesting statistic -- what was the percentage of homebuilts started but not completed prior to VAF and other online resources compared with today?

Impossible to know, I'm sure. However, I know that some seemingly insurmountable tasks that had me flummoxed had simple answers here on VAF and on the online forums that various vendors sponsor.

In the end, however, it still came down to some personal butt-kicking and hands-on help from a friend. Thanks, Sky. :D