
Well Known Member
Ordered and iPad pro during Prime days (previous gen) since I am an Android guy.

Wondering what version version of Foreflight you are all running and reasons why. I'll have 2X Advanced 5600's in my plane and eventually will pick up a Avidyne 540 in the next 12-18 months or so.

Wondering if it is worth if the the upgrades to the $199 year or even $299 version. The synthetic vision on the $199 version would be nice to have but may be completely overkill.

Also, anyone running the 10.5" and have a favorite mount?
The synthetic vision on the $199 version would be nice to have but may be completely overkill.
I have the $199 version with Synthetic Vision and rarely use it. BUT, is has saved my bacon a couple of times. Once, I was scud running (Yeah, I know...) and used it to avoid TV towers and other obstructions. I also used it that day to find the destination runway. I was lined up on an access road and the Synthetic Vision showed the airport "over there". I have also used it in the mountains when flying on top or around clouds. It's comforting to know that if your engine quits, you can "see" what's below you. If you have a Stratus, the Air Data and Attitude Heading Reference System makes for a great battery-powered backup if you lose your electrical system.
The only thing I would say about the basic version is that you do not get RAIM. Even though they advertise the basic version as having "All the ESSENTIALS for VFR and IFR flying." I guess RAIM is not "essential."
Dual Dynon SV1000T screens with synVis so I have the basic subscription ($99, I think). I purchased a refurb iPad Mini 4 just for FF but used just my iPhone for quite some time and now rarely pull the iPad out for anything other than planning or non-aviation related activities like view PDFs.

I'm not yet IFR rated, nor is my plane. If we were, I'd keep the iPad closer while flying in case I lost the entire panel.
Thanks All-

Also, I mean foreflight :)

I too am not IFR rated but plan to take that up again once the plane is flying and I am current and super comfortable in the plane.

I have two AFS 5600's so have some redundancy there already. Perhaps I'll start with the $99 and I can always upgrade in the future if I ever feel I really need. Primary use for me will be flight planning and uploading to the AFS and IFD540 in the future and maybe one more screen
11.6. Pro, love the jep charts, synthetic vision on Ifr approach is so cool. Great tool.
I have version Called FlyQ EFB. All same features plus some new ones, and way, way cheaper.
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Basic .... upgrade if you think u need more when u need it. I have flown 100 hrs in past year with no issues.
The only thing I would say about the basic version is that you do not get RAIM. Even though they advertise the basic version as having "All the ESSENTIALS for VFR and IFR flying." I guess RAIM is not "essential."

Why would it be? You can configure it to show GPS accuracy, but beyond that you shouldn't be using it for primary navigation anyway.