USN bullet

I'm building a RV-14A and using borrowed tools. I think I should start collecting some tools to maintain the ship once I'm finished building and flying.
Are there any must have tools? At this point I'm 90 percent done and 90 percent to go. I'm working on the finish kit building the Canopy frame.
Thanks for any guidance in advance.:)
‘You cannot have too many tools.’
Usual assortment of screwdrivers, wrenches, torque wrench. More specialized: timing box for conventional mags. jack with adaptor of some sort for changing tires. Brake pad installation tool. Cylinder compression tester. A lot of these are good candidates for sharing if you have an airport friend.
Tools to keep in a special place so you can find them: right size allen key screwdriver for avionics removal. Tire pressure gauge. Safety wire and twist pliers. I’m sure there’s more I’m forgetting.
Few more for the list (most of these are generic, not specific to a -14)

- spark plug socket (and extra spark plug washers for that matter)
- 1" socket for oil filter or oil filter wrench
- jack stands
- a set of spare hardware in common sizes (you'll learn what's common as you build for sure)
- basic electronic /electrical tools
I’m always adding something I didn’t know I needed but now can’t live without. I like when my friends see the duckbill pliers and wonder why they didn’t have that already.
You will have some time to do this. But . . . You could look at a condition inspection list and walk around to see what tools are needed to do each task. I am still working on my complete list after 3 CI's

One thing not listed above, if you have wing jacks, you will need a tail weight to get the nose off the ground.

Borescope VA-400 ( or better)
safety wire pliers
safety wire twister handle (ATS)
Oil filter cutter
395 nM black light
Grease gun for Aeroshell 6 (if CS Hartzell) or what ever grease it uses now.
Mag timing light
Engine Cylinder leak down tester kit
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Thanks gang, I have most of tools mentioned. Things I don't have are the Jack Stands, and the Allen type screw drivers for the Avionics. I will look at the condition inspection for more guidance.
Biggest and best tool is MONEY to buy more cool tools with.


I find my MasterCard a universal tool for maintaining my RV (often by acquiring more small toys to work on the big toy with). Remember, accumulating tools is a lifelong journey, not a task to be checked off ...
