
I'm New Here
Dear all,

this is my first post but I am reading since a long time. Its a very cool
forum and I already found a lot of useful infos.

I am currently building a RV-8 in Switzerland and nearly done with the empennage kit. In February I ordered the QB Fuselage-, Wing- and Finishing
Kit. But as I want to install a grove gear with beringer brakes I don`t know
what to leave out. I tried to find a list here on the page but unfortunately I
have not found what I am looking for.

Has someone a list of the parts I can delete?
I want to install a complete beringer brake kit with a parking brake valve.

Thank you very much!

Cheers Yves

Unless one has installed the Beringer brakes, it would be speculation to answer your question.

Perhaps a careful look at what comes with the Beringer kit would be helpful. Does it included the wheels, for example?

If the finish kit is ordered, it may too late to delete the standard brake kit. Depends where it is in the shipping sequence.

FWIT the standard RV-8 brakes are quite effective. The tires can be locked up easily, sometimes seems there ought to be an anti-skid system.
I am using the Beringer brakes and wheels on the -8 I'm building because they came with the kit we purchased second hand. They are a thing of beauty but I wouldn't buy them myself to install. Expensive kit and replacement tubless tires, pads and additional tools needed for tire changes are expensive. The Van's stock brakes are more than capable. That said, when ordering your kit from Vans have them delete the axles (I think these are either Vans or came with the Grove gear), brake calipers, brake pads, wheels, tires, tubes, master cylinders, and brake resevior(s). Keep the tubing, while you won't need it for the brakes in most of the runs you'll probably want extra for the build.
I went with Grove gear, axles, wheels and brakes. This is what I deleted:

Gear deletions:
U801L Left gear leg
U801R Right gear leg
U803 x 2
U804 x 2

Axle-Wheel-Brake deletions:
2.00 N 5:00X5 AXLE MAIN AXLE
1.00 U CLEVELAND 199-10200 WHEELS & BRAKES 5"
Somehow I still ended up receiving master cylinders so I missed deleting that part number somewhere.

If you plan to use other tubes and tires delete:
2.00 U 5:00X5-6 6 PLY TIRE MAIN GEAR
2.00 U 5:00X5-6IT TUBE FOR 5:005-6

I also received a finish kit and firewall forward packing lists from Vans in January. Pvt msg me your email if you want or send Anne the request and she will email you a current version as it may have changed since I received in Jan15.
Thank you everyone for their replies!

I will order a packing list for the finishing kit.

Cheers Yves