
Well Known Member
A long summer's summery.

We took no big trips this season. But not a problem because there are plenty of closer places to enjoy aviation and its community, for sure I am pleased to be in Oregon! We have been lucky to average over a flight a week, staying mostly local, but having a ball!

Our German exchange student, (met first on VAF!) loves to fly. This is one moment of 27 RV flight hours (in four different planes) he received during his exchange year.

Flew brother Mika to Twin Oaks EAA breakfast, cashier duty, served about 300 pilots and friends.



After breakfast Flew Matthis to Crater Lake and back home before lunch. Checked out one good hard runway with camping and passed over another that currently is closed due to large runway cracks.

To Manzanita for a walk on the beach with Katie, minpin Hana, plus five more planes (4 RVs) full of friends, lunch in town and back again. This strip is a favorite camping spot of ours. No trip to the coast is complete without some surf flying.

Flight with RV-7A builder Klaus-Peter. I handled the TO and LDG, he flew me on a scenic tour of Mt Hood and the Columbia Gorge. Klaus is a few weeks from getting final authorization to fly his new built -7A from German authorities. Ask him how much he envies us in our more free country.



Closed store Saturday at 5:30, Katie and I were in Sunriver in time for dinner with two local RV-10 friends (that also brought Matthis and Anke) in their weekend home. All six of us Flew home Sunday afternoon after another meal, a bike ride along a river and a cold hike in a long, deep lava tube. Matthis asked to switch seats, so Katie got her second ride in a -10, me still 0!Flights this weekend had a slight challenge dodging some thunder shower activity.

Fourth of July weekend. Let Katie out of the store three hours early Friday so her and Anke could get a head start. Matthis and I still beat them to the coastal airstrip. A friend, TJ saw us tying down and insisted to share his box hangar for the weekend. We all stayed with more friends in their bayside vacation home. Monday I few Hostess Lisa home as a thank you for our stay, 25 minutes in route. Her husband was somewhat envious as he drove the car home four hours in holiday traffic!


Friday Morning trip to EAA fly-in Arlington WA with Matthis. Flew at 5500' thru Class B North bound. Enjoyed the show and lunch. Flew under class B on the way home, but buzzed the PDX tower for fun. Home for dinner.

Daughter Taylor is getting married. Anke, Katie and sister Beth drove up to Cashmere WA for bridal shower. Matthis and I ran the store Saturday. Sunday us boys flew up to crash the lady's party. Landed at Cashmere, my future son in law Bryan hopped in Matthis seat before I had a chance to shut down the engine (planned). Bryan directed me on a tour of remains of a local fire, river, canyons, lake, and the couples wedding venue. I also checked out a future airplane camping strip. Landed again. Then lunch, met the girls, another lunch in Leavenworth, hugs to daughter, and a big thank you to Bryan for taking care of her. Offered back seat to Sister Beth for a change. 1:15 flight due to headwinds and cloud build. Beat the car load home by four hours, burnt less fuel.

Klaus, Anke, Mika, Matthis and Katie all brought together by RVsā€¦

Our RV-7A German friends have all gone home this week. Empty, quiet house. But this weekend we are hosting RV-10 friends from S. California! While we work on Saturday Pascal, Tara and girls flew up from camping at Columbia CA, (another favorite and where we met these friends last two years) They landed at McMinnville and spent the day at the Evergreen museums and water park. Then we picked them up at Aurora for curb service to our home.
Sunday was spent on the ground, hiking to some waterfalls. We skipped the two day blueberry pancake fly-in at Mulino, but heard it was great.

Monday, we drove and saw our Cal. -10 friends off at the airport. Katie, Hana and I make off on our own trip to the beach for lunch. Flight time 20 minutes.
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We didn't get enough of the cool coast weather so we went back after work on Saturday to join 14 other airplanes staying the night in Manzanita. Set up camp and BBQ dinner over our new mini travel grill, all before dark. Sunday, just another day at the beach, met new flying friends. Home for dinner.

What we take in our -8, easy fit.

Dogs love camping and like to get there fast, so flying is great!

And why drive to a wedding when you can fly? I seated myself up front after walking the girl in white down the isle.

Young Eagle flight...and her Mom.

A trip to Arlington with Scott as GIB, to get fitted for 'chutes.

Parking next to war heroes!

Factory trainer pic as I wait for Mike Seager. Added spin training in RV-7 to my BFR this time around.

Trip to see in-laws in Montana. New radio, new panel, simpler.

Same Montana trip, second flight with new amateur built "doggie puffs", patent pending...
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Yet another trip to the beach and this pic

Which resulted into this:

Warm the oil and slow flight practice

Draining the oil all over the hangar floor!

Other flights not supported with photos;
Picked up Daughter to spend the weekend with us, then returned her home, saved her 11 hours driving.
Flew Jason to the coast as he helped mount my wings three years ago! Sorry it took so long!!!
Flew Brenden to the coast because I helped him fit his wings on his RV-7...motivation...
Two solo local flights to practice...some aerobatics...spins...and stuff.

Summer Stats:
Total Flight hours ; 44.1
Unique Airports Visited ; 10.0
Hours Saved VS Driving cross country ; 72.3
Hours Saved VS Commercial Flights ; no commercial flights available
HulaGirl's unique back seaters count ; 12.0
Hours Solo ; 2.6
Family Members Visited ; 32.5
RV Friends count, with benefits shared ; 14.0
Money spent on accommodations ; $0.00
RV Friends Free Night's Sleep Exchange Count ; 156.0
Pancakes consumed by local pilots and friends ; 2265.7
Cars passed as if standing still ; 876,567.0
Grains of sand inside HulaGirl ; 1732.0
Spins turned ; 32.4
Rivets driven ; 36.0
Precious memories gained ; countless

I did it, so can you!
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Thanks for posting all the great photos and stories, Bruce! It's 100%, total inspiration! Jamie and I can't wait to join you and Katie in all the fun. It won't be long now. Nice seeing you at the store recently, too! :)
That's awesome Bruce. :) Great stuff! Looking forward to flying alongside you some day, before tooooo long hah.
Great stuff! You're right...these things shrink time!

Today a friend needed to get out of Hood River to PDX cuz his dad was in the hospital in San Diego. I said I could get him to PDX in speedy fashion. 16 min takeoff to touchdown.

Then, my girlfriend was trying to nonrev out of Seattle to get home from work. Everything full. PDX to SEA with the fastest, shortest, tightest approach into SEA that I've ever made in the Rocket. Tail wheel still in the air as I exited on the high speed taxiway.

She was ready to go, so off to Hood River. Circled the summit of St. Helens and Adams on the way. Several on the crater rim so we gave them a victory roll! Total time about 50 min.

Great tool for travel and fun!