Well Known Member
Don?t know what to do.
Bought a RV7 Tail. Almost done. Bought RV7A wing. Half done or so. Wanting to build a RV7A.
While I figure it?s a 1-2 yr project and I am board with my C172, I wanted something to fly while I am building the RV7A. So I bought a Citabria and my whole world turned upside down!
I am now tail wheel certified and flying 3-4 hrs every week. Lucky if I do 1 hr average a month in my 172.
#1. I love the tail dragger!
#2. I love the tandem seating! Man can u see a lot better. I am really having many many times more fun with the citabria than I ever had with the 172. I burn 5.5 gph vs 9 gph in the 172. Go almost as fast, 85 vs 105. I don?t fly the 172 on long trips, just don?t care to. The citabria, I just fly short like the 172 but enjoy it more. Matter of fact I have my share of the 172 up for sale, it?s a club plane but only 5 of us ever fly it. It?s never out when I want to fly so it?s been a great investment. I own the citabria and it sits in a private air strip 10 miles from here. I am really enjoying it.
Now my problem. The RV7A. I wish I was doing a RV8! I am still going to finish the RV7 because my partner has a C182 which we take on business trips etc. it burns 13gph and only fly?s 160. we can take the RV once in awhile when only 2 of us have to go.
The RV is faster and cheaper all the way around and I want one to fly back and forth to my Florida home. I don?t fly his C182 due to the insurance costs and you have to pay too much attention to it. I rather take off and look outside most of the time. It?s a 2004 with less than 400 hours and loaded, it?s a beautiful plane, but it?s not me. I will finish the 7A but will probably get the 7 fuse and at least get the tail dragger. Anyway I go I will be fulfilling a dream of flying!
Thanks for letting me go on and on. Anyone else go through similar things? How did or is it working out?
In my opinion, the view from a RV7 is MUCH better than a Citabria. Tandem seating is cool, but there are pluses to sided-by-side as well. Have you flown in a 7 or/and 8??? I would take a ride in both before you jump into another new project, but I am one to talk :)
Besides not wanting to risk having my copilot behind me where she can perform unexpected indignities to the back of my head should the mood strike her (heaven knows I don't do anything to provoke her...:rolleyes:); I find having her beside me is restful on the eyes.

Seriously, I know what you mean about the view from a tandom, but it's not as hot if you're the GIB. Also makes conversing a bit more difficult and, if you don't want to converse with a passenger/copilot, then you should probably consider a 3. Or possibly a 4/8 modified the Jon Johannson way.;)
I have flown an rv6. In my mind, the childish side, I (and I bet I am not alone!) dream of being the famous fighter pilot! LOL:D in a p51 or p38 or even in a. 0spits! yeah, spits!! he always gets the girl after he lands! its fun to dream, isn?t it!
the wife doesn't fly much so if someone wants to ride in the back its ok.

as far as view from RV being better than a citabria.................... u need to explain please.
either way I go will be fun
Well, as a Citabria owning RV7 builder, here is my 2 cents.

Do you want to own an aeroplane or do you want to build an aeroplane ?

If you want to build one because of the challenge, the friendships, the technical effort etc, then crack on, build the RV - I prefer the wheel at the correct end - behind you ;)

Now, if you want to fly..........................

Stick with the Citabria, save your pennies and buy a flying RV to transition up to :D
The View

The reason I think that a RV7, esp the tip up, has a better view than a Citabria is because the Citabria's high wing bloacks most of the upward angled view and you have struts on the side view. When you bank in a RV, the wing on the direction that you are turning, drops down to increase your view. When you bank in a high wing, the wing on that side is somewhat in the way. I find myself leaning forward in most high wing singles during turns to see around the wing.
Well, as a Citabria owning RV7 builder, here is my 2 cents.

Do you want to own an aeroplane or do you want to build an aeroplane ?

If you want to build one because of the challenge, the friendships, the technical effort etc, then crack on, build the RV - I prefer the wheel at the correct end - behind you ;)

Now, if you want to fly..........................

Stick with the Citabria, save your pennies and buy a flying RV to transition up to :D

building the rv7 and flying the citabria for now. doing both. kids all gone and lots of time. we have our own runway 5 miles from work, 10 from my house. so real easy to fly for and hour, go home, have a beer, then work on the rv! best of both worlds.
flying the citabria has made me build the rv faster.
Here is what you do

:) But first... I have a Citabria and have just finished a RV-7A. I speak from experience. You say you want to build a tailwheel and have purchased the 7 tail. Good. And the wing is a 7A wing? The wings are interchangeable and no difference between the 7 and the 7A as far as I am aware. Confirm with Van?s, but, you are still set to build a tailwheel version. Do it. The 7A is neat but the 7 is just as fine. The 7 is what I would build the next time around. I think the wings are match drilled to a specific carry-through spar and you should not play around with that. Check with Vans on what they have reserved to go with your wings. Is any of this quick build stuff or do you have the main fuselage spare in hand that goes with your wings?

Here is my simple thought on the 7 vs. the 7A. There have been too many issues with the folding nose wheel for my liking. The shimmy, bouncing, folding nose wheel has had too much bad publicity to blow off as rumor only. Don't get me wrong. I still like my nose wheel for lots of reasons. I would just choose to build a tailwheel version next time.

Visibility from a Citabria... I have one of the SKY views, (moon roof?) but you are right the view is better from the RV except for straight below and you can always do an aileron roll to change improve that ;) Well maybe not on short final but you get the idea.

About the VR8 ? I have flown them also and find that they seem to have more room per person if you are BIG. If I weighed more than 200 lbs I would think seriously along those lines. Some larger passengers have spilled over into my seat on the 7A. For the 8, I like flying them if I am a single pilot. The controls set for right hand stick and the controls on the left feels natural to me. Not that it is much of a problem switching between controls on the left or the right, but hey it feels more fighter-like in the 8. The 7A is great with a wife on a trip. The scenery on the right is easy on the eyes
You did say you loved the tail dragger right?

#1. I love the tail dragger!

Build one!