
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
I am such a pack-rat....

So I am unpacking all the stuff I moved from my old hangar to our new one, and I come across a roll of drawings! "What are these?" I wondered. Unrolling them and browsing, I realized they are all the -8"A" drawings (for those uninitiated, you get all the drawings for your model, both taildragger and "those other ones" with your kit) that I pulled out because they weren't needed. I guess I saved them only because heck, I'd paid for them and why would I throw them out! (I am my father's son...)

So now I still have the problem - what to do? I thought "Great, wallpaper for the hangar lounge....but....we have two taildraggers - it sure wouldn't do to put "A" drawings on the wall....:p

Sigh....I guess I can use the back sides for scratch paper.....:rolleyes:
what I did with my extra drawings

I had the opposite problem - all these weird, "non-A" drawings came with my kit... I took the big side view of the fuselage and took it to work. It is a good coversation starter and most people don't know the difference.
Those "unnecessary drawings" make great wrapping paper for gifts to significant others who share a common interest.;)
Significant "otherS"??????

>Those "unnecessary drawings" make great wrapping paper for your >significant others who share a common interest.

Hmm. Paul, is there something I don't know? :(:mad: (And, Doug, why is the quote function not working? :confused:)
Would you donate them to a brutha? I can use some wall deco in my Garage/shop. Plus once I get my RV-12 kit... it will give it something to aspire to when it grows up! :D


Actually... just looking for a couple of line drawings for an -8(A) to put up. Don't know how big the "roll" was...
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Hmm. Paul, is there something I don't know? :(:mad: (And, Doug, why is the quote function not working? :confused:)

Hey, it wasn't ME that wrote that honey!!

Sorry good big side view - jsut detailed drawigns woosie landing gear assemblies....:rolleyes::p
Hey, it wasn't ME that wrote that honey!!

Sorry good big side view - jsut detailed drawigns woosie landing gear assemblies....:rolleyes::p

I have finally found a way to be like you TD macho guys- I loosened up all the suspension parts, particularly the tie rod ends, in my car. Also let most of the air out of the tires. Now, when I drive down the freeway, it is making me a better driver. No more of that easy driving stuff for me! It helps also to reduce stability to drive very closely behind a semi truck. The turbulence, combined with the suspension looseness, makes me have to use the steering more, just like you TD guys! Can't sightsee while I drive any more either.:p:p
I have finally found a way to be like you TD macho guys- I loosened up all the suspension parts, particularly the tie rod ends, in my car. Also let most of the air out of the tires. Now, when I drive down the freeway, it is making me a better driver. No more of that easy driving stuff for me! It helps also to reduce stability to drive very closely behind a semi truck. The turbulence, combined with the suspension looseness, makes me have to use the steering more, just like you TD guys! Can't sightsee while I drive any more either.:p:p

I think that dispensing with the GPS and auto-pilots , and a return to hand flying to the NDB's would make for a more macho pilot too!

L.Adamson -- RV6A
Kids' posters

So now I still have the problem - what to do? I thought "Great, wallpaper for the hangar lounge....but....we have two taildraggers - it sure wouldn't do to put "A" drawings on the wall....:p


We have an organization for kids called Youth Exploring Aviation (YEA). You might have similar organizations near Houston like Aviation Explorers or something similar. I'd think there would be some kid out there who'd get a lot of inspriation out of having an RV-8A side-view drawing on his/her bedroom wall.

I'd be happy to pay for postage if you want to send your drawings to me so I could distribute them. Just PM me if you're interested.

I can only speak from the RV-6 experience

The drawing sheets are numbered and having a drawing with missing sheet numbers is not a good thing. This really becomes important if you buy a plane and get a drawing set from which the builder has decided to throw away some of the sheets. Your drawing roll is not going to be significantly smaller if you are able to perfectly isolate sheets with only "A" model information on them. I would maintain the complete roll and the drawing set integrity.

Bob Axsom

Those non-taildragger drawings make good kindling. :D

I am such a pack-rat....

So I am unpacking all the stuff I moved from my old hangar to our new one, and I come across a roll of drawings! "What are these?" I wondered. Unrolling them and browsing, I realized they are all the -8"A" drawings (for those uninitiated, you get all the drawings for your model, both taildragger and "those other ones" with your kit) that I pulled out because they weren't needed. I guess I saved them only because heck, I'd paid for them and why would I throw them out! (I am my father's son...)

So now I still have the problem - what to do? I thought "Great, wallpaper for the hangar lounge....but....we have two taildraggers - it sure wouldn't do to put "A" drawings on the wall....:p

Sigh....I guess I can use the back sides for scratch paper.....:rolleyes: