Bob Axsom

Well Known Member
I was going to say something about AR being the only state not listed in the regional section but I counted them and found only 47. Who else is missing? A bigger question is, are these meaningful in a aviation based community?

Bob Axsom
Hi Bob!

I modeled that section after the 100,000+ member Ford F-150 forums at (uses the same software as us). Figured it couldn't hurt and might be useful down the road as our numbers grow.

Tell me where I dropped off AR and I'll add it. Oops!

BTW, how far is Winne, AR from you? I saw a show last night on the Frye boot company which is located there. Interesting show on boot making.

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Wynne is over near Memphis

Wynne is on the east side of the state near Memphis. I left my Flight Guide in the side pocket of the airplane when we flew back from St. Louis today so I can't give you details but according to the Memphis Sectional they have an airport. It has has fuel, no tower and a lighted 4,000 ft north-south runway on the east side of town. We are up in the hills in the northwest corner of the state near the Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri borders.

I went through the state abreviations in that section and added Texas and Florida. One of the abreviations is DC so on the surface it looks like three states beside Arkansas (AR) are not represented.

Bob Axsom
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Missing states.

I think you are missing Arkansa, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma.

That from a Canadian.
Now that they are Identified

Arkansas - Arkansas was once included in the Southeast and that's fine.
Mississippi - certainly should be in the Southeast regional forum
New Mexico - should be in the West
Oklahoma - should go in the Midwest since that is where you have Kansas and Colorado.

If you saw the movie "Annapolis" there is a little related humor in your dropping of both Arkansas and Mississippi.

Bob Axsom
Wynne has a nice airport

We ducked in there on our way back from Oshkosh due to low ceilings and visibility. There's a propeller shop there.

We waited a couple of hours and were able to continue south.

There's an RV-8 on the field, but we didn't get to see it.